
Sister Complains About Teen Getting Money From Mom, Leading To A Showdown Over Unpaid Family Loan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/

Fairness in families should go both ways; what’s right for one should be right for another. But not everyone sees it like this.

So, how would you feel if your sister, who hasn’t repaid a family loan, complained about you getting a small amount of money from your parents?

Would you not care about her opinion? Or would you make it clear that she has no room to talk?

In the following story, a teenager finds herself in this very situation, and things go downhill fast. Here’s what happened.

AITA for calling out my sister after she complained about me getting money from our mom?

I (16F) live with my parents, older brother (26M), and older sister (25F).

Recently, there’s been tension in our family because my parents took out a loan to help my siblings get back on their feet during COVID.

Instead of using the money responsibly, my sister gave half to her ex-boyfriend, and my brother wasted his on alcohol and substances.

Neither has paid back a cent, even though the loan was meant to help them out of a rough patch.

My dad often threatens to take legal action to get the money back, but my mom—who came up with the idea—keeps telling them not to worry and to focus on “getting back on their feet.”

But it’s been years, and nothing has changed.

It all started over ice cream money.

The other day, I was outside with my two nieces (my sister’s daughters) when the ice cream truck came by.

We ran inside to ask my mom for money, and she gave us $20. My nieces bought ice cream, and I got a small bag of candies.

When we came back in, I overheard my sister complaining to my mom, saying, “I get it for the girls, but why are you giving her money? She’s 16, she should have her own.”

That really bothered me, so I went back inside, gave my mom the change, and said to my sister, “You can’t complain about me when you haven’t even paid back the loan or taken care of your kids.”

My sister got mad, but I didn’t care.

The mother clearly chose a side.

I turned to my mom and asked, “You’re really letting her talk about me like that?”

My mom just shook her head and walked away.

Later, when my dad got home, my mom twisted the story, saying I insulted my sister for no reason.

I told him the truth, but now I’m worried I made things worse.

The next morning, I overheard my dad on the phone with a lawyer, and I’m pretty sure it was about the loan.

Rightfully, the father wants his money back.

My brother, who drives me to work, said there’s been a lot of tension in the house.

I explained what happened, and that evening, my dad shook my brother’s hand.

My brother had paid back half of what he owed from the loan and promised to pay off the rest soon.

When my dad looked at my sister, she got defensive and said she couldn’t afford it and had been “too busy.”

My dad just shook his head and walked away.

Now I’m wondering if I was wrong to say anything and if I made things worse.


Wow! Sometimes, it’s best to just keep your opinion quiet.

Let’s check out what the folks over at Reddit have to say about this situation.

This person has a great point.

As this comment points out, she actually helped the situation a little.

An uncomfortable truth indeed.

Siblings usually do hold each other accountable.

She should be out working and taking care of her own children, not relying on her family to do so.

She needs to grow up.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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