
Stockroom Was A Mess Until One Temporary Employee Figured Out The Computer System, But The Boss Didn’t Understand The Consequences Until The Employee Left

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/pixabay/ Peggy_Marco

If you’re a great employee but work for a mean boss, you might dream about getting revenge. In today’s story, a seasonal employee gets revenge on his boss after she doesn’t invite him to the company Christmas party.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Working in a storage and knowing IT has its perks

This happened in 2007/2008. So I got a job working as the only person in a stockroom of the bookstore in a multi-conglomerate-bookstore company.

I had an agreement with the boss that it would only last for three months (November and out January), as I had to go back to school.

My boss (female and extremely hot – but let’s call her BB for BossB****) was nice and sweet, until my first day.

It was like she hated me. I have no idea why, but whatever, I got along with the rest of the staff.

OP wasn’t invited to the Christmas party.

There was a Christmas-party with a dinner for all the staff, but I was not invited (whatever).

The rest of the staff told me after the weekend that they’d asked where I was, and BB had told everyone that since I was only working there for 3 months, there was no reason to invite me.

This was said in front of the CHRISTMAS STAFF, who only worked there for a month!

They also found this quite strange, and started to get the picture that BB really didn’t like me.

OP explains the messed up book delivery system.

So off to my revenge: when we ordered books, we had them sent from the central storage, and we got about 1000 books delivered every 2nd day.

Problem here was that the number of books we had ordered and the number of books we received matched about 50% of the time.

The guy I replaced told me that when that happened, we had to call storage, inform them about how many we ordered and how many we got (which was either too many or too little) – they then had to go on to cancel the original order and create a new one, which took about two days, so the storage was often late with displaying books, as we had to follow stock and the system wouldn’t let us sell books that we didn’t have “in stock”.

After about two weeks of this, I found it quite annoying and started digging around in SAP (which was the system they used).

OP figured out how to modify the number of books in the computer system.

Me, having grown up with computers and had previous experience with SAP, found out a way where I could manually add/remove the number of books we had gotten, making the stock correct at the same time as I scanned/counted the number of books, meaning I increased the turnover, as all the books we got the same day would be delivered to the store.

The guys working in the central storage didn’t even know about this.

BB asked me in January how I managed to have the stockroom completed empty every day we got a delivery after the Christmas-rush was over.

OP didn’t tell BB exactly what he did.

I informed her about what I did, but not how (like she cared).

She just nodded and told me to write the steps down somewhere.

“Yeah, sure” I replied (or something like that).

She had figured that since the stockroom was always empty now, she wouldn’t need to have someone on full-time in the stockroom and have the sellers do the work, as the stockroom wasn’t full at all anymore. I smiled when I heard about this.

OP never wrote down the instructions.

So to my last day: had a talk with BB, who then asked me for the instructions, to which I replied “I forgot to write it down, and since I have less than 30 minutes left of my day, it’s not enough time to write it down. Sorry!”

BB got furious and told me to stay on longer that day to get the instructions written down.

I just told her that 1. We have to follow the signed contract. 2. I had no obligation to write this down – nor did I have to teach this to anyone, as there was no-one who was replacing my job.

She proceeded to threaten to withhold my pay, but I just told her that that’s illegal (Norway is a great country to live in with regards to being an employee) and that I would then have to take legal actions (I was also in a union). Byebye B****Boss.

The stockroom was a mess after OP left.

A few weeks later I talked to a friend who was still working there, and the stockroom was a complete mess – they even had someone come from the central storage to try to work out how I managed to keep it clean, but they couldn’t.

They spent a fortune on updating their systems so that they could do what I managed to do in two weeks.

I see BB from time to time, and she does not look happy when she sees my face.

I smile at her every single time 🙂

It’s crazy that it was so complicated for everyone else to figure out the computer system. Surely they could just hire someone temporarily with the job of figuring out the computer system and writing down the instructions.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

This reader offers a resume boosting suggestion for OP.

Another reader had a question about BB.

This person has a theory about why BB didn’t like OP.

Another reader thinks OP should’ve played this smarter.

He really had no incentive to write down the instructions, but it would’ve been a good idea to talk to corporate.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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