
The Love Of His Life Started Acting Weird After He Lost Some Weight. So When She Cheated He Dumped Her And Ruined Her Entire Life.

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

No one likes a cheater.

Sometimes they don’t get what’s coming to them, even if they deserve it – but other times, karma comes for them in a big way.

This guy’s ex was served a heaping dish of the latter, and all he had to do was sit back and watch.

Here’s the story.

Revenge on ex girlfriend – Karmic Edition

I was born in India. When I was 10 I moved to a small country town in Australia when my dad got a job here.

It sucked.

I was small, fat, brown, had an accent and didn’t understand the culture.

A bunch of racist nutjobs at school bullied me and life sucked.

Thankfully I kept my grades up and got a scholarship to study science at a major university in a major city.

Things started to turn around once he went to University.

During my first day of tutorials at university I notice there is a shy, awkward looking chubby indian girl sitting by herself.

Her name was Rani and she too was from a rural town. She had just moved up here with her second cousins.

We quickly bonded over how bad high school was and how nice it was to be in a multicultural city.

We ended up having a lot of mutual interests and joined the same societies/clubs at our university (video games, board games, Indian cultural clubs, ballroom dancing etc).

Within a month or so I asked her out (first girl I ever asked) and she said yes. We dated in secret and became each others first everythings (kiss, love, relationship, partner etc).

After a year of secret dating she moved into my apartment.

Life was fantastic. We never fought, had 0 problems, had similar hobbies + friends, constantly attracted to each other, were intimate every day, etc.

It was perfect – just two love birds building a life together.

Eventually, they decided to get married.


Well after dating in secret for 2 years we decided to meet each others families. My parents are conservative muslims but knew I was going to date around.

They were just happy I had chosen an Indian girl they could relate to. Her parents initially were very harsh and aggresive.

However, when they met me they immediately fell in love with me.

The only problem was they wanted us to get married. Rani and I had already talked about this. We both wanted to get into medical school after our bachelors.

We both wanted a family and the white picket fence but we had both decided to wait on that until after medical school.

However, after meeting her parents and some introspection I decided to speed up the plan.

My plan was to ask her for marriage in 2 years time when we’d finished our bachelors.

We would get married in the 5 month break after university – do a bit of travel – have a honey moon and then commence medical school as husband and wife.

He decided to lose some weight first, never anticipating what would come of the decision.

In the meantime I decided I was going to lose all my excess weight and become the attractive groom she deserved.

Both her and I were fat and we never had any issues with our weight and attractiveness to each other and I didnt care if she remained fat for the rest of our lives.

I just wanted to improve myself and make myself the attractive man she deserves to be with.


Rani was initially supportive of my weight loss. She liked the new me and how much energy and confidence I know had.

After 1 year I had lost 30kgs and hit my ideal bodyweight. I started lifting and was building muscle mass.

Rani started getting more insecure in herself. I would reassure her that I had no issues with her weight but we started getting into more fights.

She was annoyed with how Id always cook my meals and I wouldnt eat out with her as much, I spent all this time at the gym etc, I was too attractive for her etc.

I would reassure her all the time that this wasnt the case but things kept getting worse.

Still, he wanted to move forward…until he found evidence she was cheating.

With 1 year to go I let Rani’s father in on the plan. I asked him for his consent to marry Rani on the proviso that we’d get married after graduation so that we wouldnt have to worry about a wedding whilst trying for med school. He said yes and was absolutely excited.

With 8 months to go Rani started acting really cold and weird. I knew something was up.

At first I thought it was the stress of med school entrance exams and coursework etc. 2 weeks into the coldness I opened up her laptop to look up this tenancy agreement thing regarding our apartment.

I see a messenger message from this guy that was highly suspicious. Rani had this friend that looked and acted like that dumb fat brother from My Name is Earl.

He was absolutely ridiculously socially inept, annoying and very uncultured/ignorant. He was very fat and had bad BO all the time. He was in the board games/video games/anime clubs with us.

Looking over her skype messages Rani had been crabbing to Earlbro about our relationship for the last year or so. Earlbro had confessed his love for her a couple times which Rani had knocked back.

2 weeks ago Rani and Earlbro must have cheated. Earlbro wanted Rani to break up with me but Rani was saying this whole thing was a mistake and to shut up.

He left and broke it off.

Well I saw red and immediately packed up my things. I printed the messages out. I tell my landlord that I wont be renewing my lease.

I text Rani that I know and that we are through. I quickly move most of stuff (I dont have much, most of our stuff was Ranis) into my friends house and tell my friends to sheild me from Rani.

Well Rani found out and went ballistic.

She apparently ran home and saw my stuff gone. She went to our mutual friends house and started balling her eyes out. She tried contacting me but my friends deleted all her messages etc.

Apparently Earlbro was a drunken mistake, she never wanted to hurt me etc, the reason she cheated was because she thought I was getting fit so that I could find a better girlfriend and upgrade from her (wtf?), could I please meet her for another chance/closure … blah blah.

I decided I was never going to talk to her ever again (something which I have successfully achieved).

When her family got involved, he sent copies of his proof.

Revenge 1:

Rani’s dad started blowing up my phone a day after dumping Rani. He aggressively demanded an explanation on why I broke her heart.

Her 2 older brothers also called and made threats etc. I didn’t reply to their voicemails.

Instead I sent a huge email out to both Rani and my parents. In the email I wrote out a heartfelt message explaining how Id envisioned Rani and I getting married but she had cheated (I copied in the screenshots of her message) and that I apologise for causing a scene and diminishing our families’ status (Indians care a lot about family status) but that Id really like my space so I can concentrate on getting into med school.

They took her out of school and her mental health suffered.

WIthin 1 hour of sending the email out Rani’s dad phoned up.

He was very apologetic. He said his girl was very sorry and it was a mistake. He said he would drive up and beg at my feet to take Rani back and offered me money (wtf?).

I accepted his apology but said I dont want any further contact with her or her family and wished them all the best.

A week later Rani’s family drove down to our city. They took Rani back to their country town and pulled her out of her courses.

She didn’t graduate on time and couldn’t apply for medical school. She returned 1 year later to complete her course but she failed.

She ended up living at home unemployed for a year before going into a retail job.

She put on massive weight and now looks like a bloody globe.

Word got out to the Indian community about her cheating and her family was ostracized.

Rani is now massively depressed and her family has resented her for bringing down their status in the Indian community.

Meanwhile, he met the woman who would become his wife.

Revenge 2:

I went off to med school in another state. A bunch of indian parents got in contact with me to tutor their kids.

One girl I tutored, Amina, blew me away. She was studying science and wanted to get into medicine. She was gorgeous both inside and out. She had a beatiful smile and lit up the room.

Most importantly, she had a beautiful sole. She was active in her community and volunteered a lot not because it would help her get into med school but because she actually cared.

After tutoring her for a year I knew i was in love with her. I asked her out but she declined.

She said she liked me too but she is religious and only wants an arranged marriage as per Islamic law.

Despite not dating her I knew she was my dream girl so I contacted my parents.

My parents and her parents ‘arranged’ our marriage on the proviso that we would be engaged for 2 years until both she and I graduate our respective programs.

During this time we started dating as fiancees (weird I know).

And they kind of rubbed their happiness in her face.

Years back Rani and I had made a bucket list of romantic activities we would do together as a couple.

Amina found the list. I explained the situation to Amina and she said she liked the list and wanted us to complete the activities with some modifications.

We aimed to complete the list before our marriage.

Amina took photos and scrap booked all our memories as we completed them (things like hiking a mountain, salsa dancing, great barrier reef, Rome/Paris etc).

A couple months before our scheduled wedding Amina published our scrap book on facebook.

Somehow Rani found access to the scrap book. She sent a scathing message to Amina saying she stole her idea.

Amina messaged back a vicious message saying how terrible Rani is, how bad it must be to lose someone like me and that the scrapbook was our idea together before we’d get married.

Hearing that I was getting married must have pushed Rani over the edge and she threatened to take her life.

She had to spend 3 weeks at a mental health ward. It was a massive scandal in our Indian community.

This was 3 years ago.

Now no one else will marry his ex, either.

Revenge 3:

Ive been married to Amina for 2 years now and things have been perfect. She is now in med school and im a junior doctor. We’re trying for a baby now.

Last Sunday my father called. One of my dad’s friends from another city was trying to arrange a marriage for his son. Rani’s parents had contacted him with a proposal.

My dad’s friend called up my dad to get an idea about Rani before they introduced her to his son.

My dad forwarded my initial email to this guy and then called up and told him Rani’s story of cheating, dropping out of university, depression etc.

Needless to say that guy ran for the hills and cancelled the arranged marriage.

He was very thankful for my dads advice and said he would warn the other Indian people in his state about her history.


So that’s that. In the end I didn’t even have to talk to Rani these past years to get my revenge.

All of it was delivered on a silver platter by karma.

I have a beautiful wife, a job I enjoy whilst all Rani got was misery and self-destruction.

All this because I wanted to lose weight before I proposed to her.

It’s probably not pro-revenge but I still get a kick out of it and maybe some of you guys who are unlucky with love will find some peace/joy reading this.

Just passing the karma on.

That’s pretty brutal.

Let’s find out if Reddit thinks he went too far.

The top comment says he should enjoy coming out on top.

Ice. Cold.

Her reaction is actually pretty common.

Lots of people feel a bit badly for her.

It’s rough, for sure.

Play stupid games and all that.

It stinks that one mistake could literally ruin your life, though.

If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!

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