
Their Awful Teacher Lost Their Papers And Failed Students, So He Collected Evidence Of Her Mistreatment And Got Her Kicked Out Of The School

Source: Pexels/Pixabay/Reddit

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have at least one horror story about a teacher.

Of course most of them are fantastic, but unfortunately the field also attracts mean people who love to control kids.

The kid in this story knew exactly how to handle a teacher like that.

Check out how he turned the tables on their terrible teacher.

Want to fail the half the class because you lost our papers? Enjoy early retirement!

My English teacher was a mean old bat who hated anything and everything.

She yelled at students, put them down with petty insults, kicked out students that were dozing off.

Then she later fall asleep at her desk, didn’t let female students go to the restroom, occasionally lost students’ work and then accused them of not turning it in.

The last part is what crossed the line for me.

She sowed the seeds of karma herself.

Here’s what happened.

We had a big research paper and half of us didn’t get ours back.

We asked her about it and she snapped back with “You should have turned them in when they were due.”

In unison, we respond with “We did.”

Of course, she denies it and within a few days, our grades drop immensely.

Our report cards show a big fat F for english. Everyone is livid.

I started recording audio on my phone every day from the moment I walked in to the class to the moment I left.

Every. Day.

I caught every single one of her personal attacks of students on tape.

When she fell asleep, I pulled out my phone and recorded her.

My pleas for help to improve and her refusal to help weren’t left out either.

Every day, I would go home, cut the audio to keep the good parts.

And every day, my collection of dirt on her grew.

We used as well as paper, so I got all the students who were going to fail to screenshot all of their Turnitin receipts and send them to me as proof that they turned in their work.

Now comes the final act.

When she failed me I scheduled a parent-teacher-admin conference.

A week later, my parents, the principal, the school counsellor, the head of the English department and Mrs. Smith were all present.

I started with how she had lost half of the class’s work and most of us failed because of it.

I handed a folder of the screenshots to the principal, who then passed it to the head of the English department, who then asked Mrs. Smith to explain it.

She instantly turned red in the face and started stuttering.

Before she could get any words out, I say, “That’s not all. Listen to this.”

I pull out my phone and start playing back the highlights from the semester, staring dead into Mrs. Smith’s eyes while trying to hold back a grin.

The conference was on a Friday.

I walked into class the following Monday to see an empty desk and a substitute teacher we all recognized and loved.

Here is what folks are saying.

Wise words, Grandpa.

Terrible! I don’t miss school.

They sure would have been handy!

Excellent point. Fishy…

Why does German law prioritize privacy so much?

I’m glad their substitute was great.

That woman definitely didn’t need to be teaching.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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