
They Warned Everybody That The Party Wouldn’t Be Suitable For Children, But His Brother’s Girlfriend Brought Her Little Brother Anyway

Source: Reddit/AITA/pixabay/cbaquiran

Not every party is kid-friendly. In today’s story, a party guest brings a child that isn’t on the guest list to the party. Now the birthday boy is wondering if he messed up.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for telling my friend that he can’t bring a kid to my birthday party?

I (29m) and my twin brother had our birthday party last Saturday. We had planned a week in advance to have it at our parent’s place as our own place doesn’t have enough space for family and close friends to cram into.

My mother was cooking our favorite meal and was looking for a head count so she could know how much to cook.

Friday evening, we went to a backyard party of one of the friends (let’s call him Brad, 29m) that was coming to our party.

Another friend named Jim (27m) had just started living with him a week before. Brad’s name is the only one on the lease. We both had known Brad and Jim since high school.

Jess brought her brother to OP’s party.

Jim’s girlfriend Jess (23f), who we’ve only known for about a month is also living there, and she brought her little brother (maybe 9-10) that she calls her surrogate son because their mother neglected them.

Brad has expressed his feelings that he doesn’t want a kid living in the house and that he was not told that the kid would be staying there.

Fast forward to Saturday’s party at my parent’s, my brother and I are having a drink with some of the friends that showed up and family.

Jim and Jess are one of the last ones to arrive, and I see Jess’ little brother hop out of the truck.

The brother wasn’t on the guest list.

I go inside and tell my brother.

He gets up and tells Jim that he can’t just bring other people to the party without telling us, even though it was just one extra person.

As he does this I’m with the rest of the group so I didn’t see if Jess and her brother were in earshot.

My mom tells us that he can come in but he’s not her responsibility to take care of him.

Jim, Jess and her brother left the party early.

We had been drinking and smoking outside, playing some backyard games when Jim tells us he’s going to go home with Jess and her brother. They had been there for maybe an hour.

I ask him if he was going to come back at all and he said maybe.

Jim and Jess never showed up again to the party, and I haven’t talked to them since.

OP understands why they left.

I understand that they had gotten the feeling that they weren’t welcome, but that wasn’t the case.

It was the fact that they brought a kid to a party knowing full well that there would be booze and illicit substances and that they didn’t tell us beforehand.

So are my brother and I jerks for expressing our feelings to our friend that his girlfriend’s little brother wasn’t invited to our party?

It would’ve been nice if Jim and Jess had just told OP ahead of time.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader wonders why Brad doesn’t kick Jess out.

Another reader thinks Jess was wrong to bring her brother to the party.

This reader agrees that this party was not appropriate for a child.

Another person points out that a lot of people have kid-free parties.

This reader calls Jim and Jess “oblivious.”

Hopefully next time they’ll ask before bringing an extra guest.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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