
Aunt Refused To Give Her Niece A Special Doll With Sentimental Value For Her Birthday, But Now She’s Screaming And Crying Frantically

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Some children believe that they can get whatever they want; maybe we should blame the fairy tales.

This woman has a special doll with a great sentimental value, and her niece wanted to have it as a birthday gift to her.

When she refused, her sister told her she was being selfish and she needed to let the doll go.

Read the story below and weigh in.

AITA for refusing to give my niece what she wants for her birthday?

Yesterday, we had a big family gathering, which meant my older sister (29F) and her daughter (6F) came over.

For half of the day, everything was well and good.

After lunch, my sister got tired, so I (27F) volunteered to look after my niece when my sister took a nap.

This woman was enjoying playing with her niece.

Now, I have a collection of stuffed animals and 20cm (7.8 inches for those in America) dolls, which I let my niece played with when her mother napped.

Then my sister woke up, joined us, and we spent some more time together before she announced it was time for them to leave.

This was when my niece pointed at the doll I was holding, and said she liked him, and that she wanted me to give him to her.

She told her niece that she could have anything she wanted, but not her special doll.

I told her that she could get any other doll and/or stuffed animals that she wanted from my collection, just not this one.

My niece got really upset and started crying, saying that her birthday was coming (it’s next week), and she wanted that doll as her birthday present.

Again, I told her I couldn’t give him to her, explaining to her he was very important to me.

This doll has a sentimental value to her.

I didn’t tell my niece in detail about why he is important to me, because she’s still too young to understand, but I will explain it here to give a clearer picture.

I’ve had this doll for a long while now, back in the darkest time of my life, when nothing seemed to go right for me.

I was advised to find an outlet, letting out my thoughts, either in the form of writing or drawing.

It came from an elaborate drawing she did.

One of my drawings was the design for the doll in this post.

I spent a lot of time with it, shading it, coloring it, and all that.

Then, I got the idea of turning the drawing into something physical.

I searched and searched, and eventually found someone I trusted that could help me with this.

She worked hard and spent lots of money to turn her art into a doll.

For months, we worked together, choosing the materials, fabrics and threads to make my doll’s body, hair, and eyes.

A lot of money was spent, but the process helped my mind be in a better place, and the result was so worth it.

I was so happy the day I had him in my hands, and since then, he has been my emotional support doll.

I don’t know if it’s strange, but whenever I look at him, I just feel like I can overcome everything.

So yes, he’s very important to me.

Her sister told her to let go of the doll.

My sister told me maybe it was time for me to let go of him.

Again, I told them I could give my niece any other dolls and stuffed animals she wanted, just not this one.

My niece cried harder, and started screaming.

She didn’t budge, and they left with her niece crying.

My sister told me I was being an overgrown child, that I needed to act my age and stop clinging to a toy.

It ended with her leaving with my still crying niece, telling me that I needed to prioritize my family over a doll.


Let’s see how others reacted to this.

This user makes a valid point.

This one gives good advice.

That’s never okay, says this one.

Another user shares their thoughts.

People are ranting about her sister!

What a spoiled little brat.

The entitlement is unbelievable!

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