
Contractor Offered To Repair His Mother-In-Law’s Home For 3% Of The Sales Price, But She Got Upset And Called The Price Ridiculous. Now He Won’t Do The Work At All.

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you sell a house, it makes sense to complete all the repairs that need to be done so that you can get top dollar.

What would you do if you offered to complete all the repairs on your mother-in-law’s house for a set percentage of the home’s sale price, but she refused?

That is what happened to the man in this story, and his Mother-in-Law got upset that he even offered.

Check it out.

AITA? Told my MIL 3% of sale price to fix her house.

My mother-in-law of 6 years is ready to downsize her house and move into something smaller.

However, throughout the course of her grown kids living with her and bringing numerous pets into the home things have gotten torn up.

Pets can do a lot of damage.

There’s been a total of 10 different dogs in the house and 5 cats since I’ve been around.

Currently 4 of each still there.(Cats and dogs, not kids)

Everything from chewed up stairs, numerous holes in the drywall, flooring, the back of a door was shredded at one point.

These animals have done a number on this house.

I offered to come in and fix all of those issues, repair a rotting deck frame, plus reseed the yard since it’s become a dirt mess.

Sounds like a good deal.

She pays for material, gets top dollar for her home, and we both walk away happy.

I was told I was ridiculous to offer the work for a percentage of the resale value and for her to still be covering material cost.

The house appraises for roughly $250,000 and 3% of that would be $7,500 in labor.

She has done countless “DIY” projects that all end up being “shoddy” work.

From multiple paver projects, to a firepit, even to a tiled shower with 1/2” grout lines with 6”x6” tiles.

I have countless years of experience in doing all types of work and am fully confident in my abilities to get each job done professionally.

She is going to pay a lot more for the work to be done right.

She has said that I am ridiculous to ask for that much and that she’s just going to do it herself.

My response was, “good luck!”


Sounds like he made a reasonable offer and she shot him down, not sure why she had to be rude about it.

Read on to see what the people in the comments had to say.

This commenter is not surprised that the deal went south.

This person thinks it was a bad idea to offer this deal.

It does seem like a fair offer.

This person points out that he is asking for problems.

This person suggests charging a set price.

Doing work for family can sometimes backfire.

Especially if you’re trying to make money off them.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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