
Teenager’s Boss Wouldn’t Pay Them For Their Summer Job, So They Reported Him To The Department Of Labor And Took Some Parting Gifts When They Quit

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Is there anything worse than a boss that won’t pay you the money you’re due?

Well, there are worse things, but that certainly isn’t cool!

But don’t be worried: this story will make you happy because of how it ended.

Read on to get all the details.

Taking down a shady cell phone store.

“This story takes place a good 15 years ago. I was 15 years old, still in high school.

A friend of mine asked me if i wanted a summer job working at his uncle’s cellphone store and I was excited to work during the summer.

At first glance, this store was just your typical store. It was independently owned, it had all the carriers available, Cingular (yes, that old), T-Mobile and Verizon.

I found myself working below minimum wage ($5) with commission. I was naive and this was my first job so I didn’t know what i was doing.

So I stayed in the shop with the boss for about 2 days, he worked to show me what to do and gave me a list on things on what to do in case I needed help.

They were working A LOT.

Now I had no concept of work. I was working very weird hours, whenever boss told me to. I worked 8 hours–12 hours, sometimes 7 days a week.

After a while, I noticed he would leave the store. He would often open the door for me, and not come back until close to closing.

I had to often order food because I had no way of buying food without leaving the store.

I had no key to lock up. he would only show up if someone called to have him do the contract and such.

Sounds like a rough job for a kid…

He was so shady, that 90% of the time, he gives his clients bad deals and terrible cellphones.

Then they show up a few days later asking me for compensation. I had no power so I basically had to take the blunt of rant.

Whenever I got customers and he was in the stores, I would convince a buyer on a certain plan, my boss would find an excuse to send me away so he can close the deal.

Hence earning my commission.

Another shady thing he does to me is he always accuses me of stealing phones.

He once had a phone in his shirt pocket. Kept accusing me that I took the phone.

I ended up calling it and it was in his shirt pocket all along.

Another time, he accused me of stealing 2 brand new Nokia phones to which a few days later, I find out he sold it to some guy cuz they brought the phone back after they dropped it due to a cheap clip that my boss gave him.

Now, that last thing he did to me was my paycheck. I was dumb, I worked 1 month without getting a single dime… then it went on to 2 months.


Whenever i asked him, he would say “oh, i dont have my check book” or he accuse me of stealing a phone so i dont get a paycheck this week. Or some random dumb excuse.

The Revenge: So for the last 2 weeks of me working, I was fuming.

I basically wasted half my summer and didnt get a single paycheck.

So I thought to myself, if he was accusing me of stealing cell phone, why not make his ideology come true?

So i took 2 phones in total worth around $400 each (i know, i shouldn’t have done this, but i was 15 and i wanted money!).

After that, I told him I will stop working and I demanded for my paycheck.

Meanwhile, my parents were also fuming, I was spending half my summer working at this place with no compensation.

They happen to have a friend who works with the Department of Labor.

We asked him for advice and they told us to let them know so they could investigate.

So now my father and I walked into the store and threatened my boss to turn him into the Department of Labor.

He continues to accuse me of stealing his phones and I asked for proof, to which I knew his cameras dont work and are there for show.

Cash only!

After a long long argument, he finally pulls out his check book, but I told him i dont trust him, I demanded for cash.

He was reluctant but finally gave in. I never ended up getting anywhere close to what i should have gotten, i think he only paid me $5 x 40 hours x the weeks. I guess the cellphones I stole compensated.

Now, I wasnt gonna let him go that easily. I still passed the information off to the Department of Labor.

I also rang up an old co worker who actually warned me about the boss but believing that my friend introduced me I thought I’d be fine. I told him to expect his paycheck…maybe.

Here you go!

I also had a list of all the shady business deals my boss did, gave them the bosses direct phone number so that they can scream at him instead of the next fool the boss cons into working for him.

I also called up all the cell phone companies warning them of the shady business this store was doing.

About 4-5 months later, my friend hits me up on AIM and told me his uncle closed up shop and they weren’t sure where he was.”

Reddit users spoke up.

One reader shared their thoughts.

Another person spoke up.

This Reddit user chimed in.

Another individual was impressed.

And this reader was a fan of this story.

That guy was SHADY.

And he had it coming!

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