
Her Family Is Pressuring Her Into Having A Baby To Fulfill A Family Tradition, But She’s Determined To Hold Her Ground

Source: Getty/Chris6, Reddit/EntitledPeople

Family expectations can be as stubborn as a toddler refusing to share their toys – but this young woman decidedly does not want kids.

This puts her at odds with her family, who think she not only has to do it, but has to do it by a certain date to comply with a family tradition.

She is resolute that she’s not going to be pushing around a baby carriage anytime soon.
Read on for the full story!

It’s 2004 you have to have a baby. My family thought they were entitled to my womb.

The situation starts back in 1964 when my Uncle and his wife had their first daughter.

Then in 1974, my Aunt and her husband welcomed their first daughter.

My mom had me in 1984.

A peculiar theme emerges.

That same year, 64 gives birth to her first child. Then in 1994, 74 gave birth to her first child.

I’m growing up and the whole of my mother’s side of the family tells me, “You’re going to have a baby in 2004 to continue the tradition.”

In 2003, 64’s mother died unexpectedly (cancer) and then my mother’s side of the family began hounding me.

Her family makes it clear to her that she’s on a very rigid timeline if she is to fulfill their family tradition.

You need a boyfriend, you’re having a baby next year.

I tell them boyfriends are off the table because I’m into girls.

That doesn’t matter, get drunk and have a one night stand, you and your GF can raise them together.

Absolutely not.

For every excuse she brings, her family offers a “solution”…

Then its “Find a gay guy, get drunk and think of England.”

Again, no. I’m not even 20 yet.

All of 2003 into 2004, “Better get pregnant soon or they won’t be born in 2004.”


When she refuses to comply with their bizarre demands, they give her the cold shoulder.

It got to the point that they got mad at me when it became evident I wasn’t having a baby in 2004 and stopped talking to me for months.

She takes refuge in the one person who always supported her autonomy.

The only person in on this whole thing that was not mad at me was my mother.

She knew I didn’t want kids and that was fine with her, plus she said that it was all coincidence that it happened that way.

It’s not tradition, just luck.

Now this story just takes peer pressure to the next level.

What did Reddit have to say?

This confused commenter wonders why the pressure is on her shoulders alone.

Her family isn’t the only ones to have experienced a similar coincidence with their birth years.

Plan as much as you like, but fate still has the final say.

When all else fails, just lie, says this redditor.

Her family may have been preoccupied with planning her due date, this young woman was determined to carve out her own path.

After all, some traditions are made to be broken and every family needs a rebel.

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