
Try To Ruin The Bride’s Big Night? Not So Fast Says Grandpa, Who Ruins The Prankster’s Night Instead.

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

Ah, weddings. The happiest day of your life (for some).

But what happens when the guests try and take over the bride’s big day with an un-well thought out prank?

Grandpa to the rescue!

Friend pranks my parents on their wedding day, my Grandpa takes care of that

My Grandpa was a quiet guy. He loved his family more than anything.

And he was very, very observant.

And always ready to react when something was off.

The wedding reception was in full swing. Everyone is drinking and dancing and having a great time.

One of my dad’s friends drunkenly decides to play a prank. He gets two more of dad’s buddies to help. Grandpa notices them sneaking out and watches.

These guys were up to no good, but grandpa is at the ready.

Now mom had a kick*** car.

It was a blue Camaro with a landau top, and was either a 69, 70, or 71. Mom doesn’t remember.

This next point of information is crucial.

This friend of dad’s also had a Camaro of the same year.

Anyway, the trio go out to mom’s car, pop the hood, and take a part.

I think it was spark plugs, but whatever they took, it meant the car wouldn’t start, leaving my parents kinda stranded.

And this is funny, how?

Grandpa saw this, waited till the drunk guys went back in, then took the same part from drunk guy’s car, and put it in mom’s.

He then took drunk guy’s tools and flashlight, and hid them in the coat closet.

Grandpa isn’t having it.

Soon it’s real dark, so the newlyweds leave for their hotel room. Drunk guy and his friends are even drunker, and discover their car won’t start.

They pop the hood and see the missing part, and start looking for the tools and flashlight.

Grandpa walks over and says “your tools and light are in the coat closet, I hope your car is comfy, because the building won’t be unlocked until morning.”

Got him!

Of course Grandpa tells Grandma, they laugh, and Grandma tells mom and dad. My Grandpa was the best.

Protected his daughter and anyone on the roads that might have run into a drunk driver.

Two cheers for grandpa in the comments, too.

Grandpa well may have saved lives, says this commenter.

Another picks up on the past tense and has some kind words for the author.

Many can relate to the wise-words of an elder patriarch.

Just a perfect overall story.

Be wary when the prankee becomes the pranker.

This is one good grandpa!

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