
Woman Doesn’t Invite Rude Coworker To Her Wedding, But He Causes Trouble When He Finds Out He’s Excluded

Source: Getty/FatCamera, Reddit/AITA

Weddings are meant to be celebrations of love and joy, but if you aren’t careful with the guest list, you can expect drama.

When one coworker’s negativity crossed the line, a woman made a tough decision to prioritize harmony over niceties to protect her big day.
Read on for the full story.

AITA for not inviting my coworker to my wedding after they made negative comments about my partner?

I (29F) am getting married soon and have been planning the wedding for months.

There’s been some work problems weighing on her mind.

I work closely with a coworker (31M) who has made several negative and uncomfortable comments about my partner (30M) over the past year.

I’ve tried to brush it off and maintain professionalism, but the comments have started to get under my skin.

So when it came to wedding invites, she knew exactly to leave out.

When I sent out wedding invitations, I decided not to invite this coworker, as I didn’t want any negative energy at my wedding.

But now excluding him has caused an even bigger headache.

Now, he’s found out through mutual colleagues and is hurt and offended, and my other coworkers are questioning why he wasn’t invited, saying I should’ve been more inclusive.

I feel like I’m standing up for my partner and our special day, but I’m also worried that my decision might come off as petty or exclusionary.

Doesn’t sound like this rude coworker deserved an invite anyway.

What did Reddit have to say?

She could just say she was looking out for her coworker’s best interest.

Something about this post leaves this commenter wondering.

When it comes to weddings, the couple is in charge.

This redditor thinks maybe the coworker just felt blindsided.

At the end of the day, she did what was best for her and her partner.

Office drama has no place at your wedding.

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