
Woman Found Out Her Ex-Boyfriend Has A New Girlfriend, So She Decided To Stop Playing Aunt To His Nephews

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

If you broke up with a long-time partner, would you still hang out with their family or relatives you’ve learned to love while you were going out?

This woman, apparently, still takes his ex’s nephews out – at least she did while he was single.

As soon as she found out her ex has a new girlfriend, she thought it was time to put a stop to it.

Read on and weigh in on whether or not you think she’s being fair to the kids.`

AITA for refusing to take my ex’s nephews out after finding out my ex is dating someone new.

I (33F) had a nasty breakup with my ex (33M).

We met in high school and dated from ages 20 to 28.

Long story short, we broke up many times, and among the reasons were cheating and STDs.

He being the cheater.

This woman shares how his ex-boyfriend was close to his nephews.

When we first started dating, he was highly involved in his nephews’ lives.

They were 3 and 1 at the time, now 16 and 14.

In 2022, my ex and I started hanging out as friends again.

I know, bad idea.

Her ex left her alone in Boston.

This lasted about a year, and ended with him leaving me alone at night while on a trip in Boston.

We had a small disagreement, and he walked off with room keys, subway passes, and credit cards.

I had 10% battery on my phone, and was able to hail an Uber to the hotel where I begged the front desk to give me access to the room.

But she still takes his nephews out.

It’s been a year and a half and I still have no contact with him.

His nephews lovingly refer to me as an aunt since they grew up very close to me.

I’ve taken them out several times throughout the past year.

His nephews told her the ex is still single and alone.

We avoid discussing their uncle, and when we do, it’s them that initiates it.

I politely change the subject.

At times they have discussed him, they say he’s really let himself go.

He’s a recluse and alone.

However, she discovered that he has a new girlfriend.

We had always discussed that if he ever dated anyone, my access to the kids would stop out of respect for his partner.

Call me weird, but I think it’s weird having an ex hang out with your family.

So last week, I noticed on Facebook there’s a name that keeps popping up in my recommended friends.

Curious, I looked at the page, and it’s his current girlfriend who he’s been with for 5 months.

She thinks that he’s pawning off his nephews to her.

He also hasn’t been a recluse.

All the times, I’ve taken them out have been because he was with her.

Essentially pawning off his nephews on me because he was too busy.

Now, she’s wondering if she should still communicate with his nephews.

Now, I don’t care that he’s dating someone. My feelings are long gone.

My question is do I discuss with his nephews?

Halloween is coming up, and I know they like me taking them to the events.

She wants people’s help and opinions.

Am I wrong for no longer doing so?

Do I need to discuss with him?

I prefer no contact, but if I need to set a boundary I will.


So, let’s check out what other people have to say about this story.

This user shares their personal thoughts.

The kids deserve better, says this one.

This one thinks her logic is messed up.

Here’s a valid point from this user.

Finally, this user calls her a drama queen.

If you’ve truly moved on, there shouldn’t be any question here to begin with!

This is a weird one, for sure.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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