Some people love finding loopholes, but not every workaround wins you friends in the neighborhood.
What would you do if a neighbor’s “genius” idea turned into a major inconvenience for everyone else?
Would you confront them directly?
Or would you outsmart them at their own game?
In the following story, one neighbor’s smug attempt to exploit an HOA rule met its match in someone even more clever.
Here’s how it played out.
Neighbor tried to exploit HOA loophole. Another neighbor was more clever. Not my story and not sure it’s pro, but makes me smile.
In an old neighborhood with narrow streets, the HOA didn’t allow parking on the street overnight.
A neighbor put his boat on a trailer and then removed the wheels.
Somewhere in the bylaws, the word parked was defined as something with wheels.
The boat remained in that spot until a neighbor found the perfect solution.
He found it and decided to test it, and he couldn’t understand why everyone thought he was an AH.
His boat blocked half the street and was an eyesore.
His wife was embarrassed and begged him to move it. He just smirked at everyone and thought he was clever.
It sat there for weeks.
Finally, another neighbor bought used trailer wheels off of Craigslist and put them on the trailer while the guy was at work.
By the time he got home, his boat was towed.
He never brought it back.
That’s one way to teach him a lesson.
Let’s see how the readers over at Reddit relate to this story.
Apparently, some HOAs only accept brown rocks.
Here’s an HOA that’s strict about how long a trashcan sits at the curb.
This person tricked their HOA with a removable flag pole.
Here’s someone who just appreciates a concise story.
That boat sounded horrific.
Sure, some HOAs are too strict, but this is one time it worked out for the best.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.