
His Mom Threatened To Throw His Stuff Away After Failing To Keep His Room Clean, So Teen Calls Her Bluff And Says He’ll Go Live With His Dad Instead

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

When living with your parents, you need to follow their rules as long as they are reasonable and safe.

What would you do if your mother kept pestering you to clean your room and then she threatens to kick you out and send you to live at your dad’s place?

That is what the young man in this story is dealing with, and he’s thinking about following through on his mom’s threat.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

WIBTA if I moved out of my mum’s house and went to live with my dad?

I (17M) live with my mum since my parents’ divorce in March, and I see my dad every other weekend more or less.

Thing is, recently, any time my mum and I argue or disagree on something recently, she threatens to kick me out and send me to live at my dad’s, which is a one bedroom apartment (that is actually just a renovated garage).

He still needs to take care of his room.

For context, I have depression and find it hard to get motivation to do anything at all, let alone clean, but I’ve been slowly forcing myself to do things to make myself feel better, and recently I cleaned out a different cupboard which brought my mums attention to the rest of my room.

Today I came home from school to find all my clothes in a pile on the floor at my door, blocking it so I was barely able to get in.

Mom is insisting that he clean his room.

She’s been pestering me about cleaning everything and has demanded that I clean a cupboard a day, which I told her I could try to do but cant guarantee as I have other things to be doing that I prioritize over cleaning (A-Levels are a pain).

I guess she decided to take matters into her own hands and essentially force me into cleaning it?

I just shoved everything back in because that’s not something I’m dealing with today, then went to the kitchen to heat food.

Mom threatened OP.

My mum then comes into the kitchen and starts talking about how she knows I saw what she did in my room, and that if it’s not cleaned today she’s throwing all of it out.

I told her to not touch my things, and that if she wants it done then she has to let me do it in my own time not exactly when she decides.

She then starts yelling at me, calling me disrespectful and that she decides how things run in the house, not me.

He threatened his mom back.

She went off somewhere then came back and this time said that if its not cleaned its all getting thrown out and that I’ll be moving in with my dad into a garage, to which I told her fine, I’ll go live with him but I don’t want to hear anything from her if I do.

She now says I’m wrong for threatening her and putting my dad above her, which seems weird.

Idk it seems like a situation completely blown out of proportion and unnecessary but would I be wrong if I went through with it and just went to live with my dad?


On the one hand, he needs to keep his room clean no matter where he lives, but on the other, the mom seems like she is being quite dramatic.

Let’s read what some of the people on Reddit have to say in the comments to get a different perspective.

This person makes some great points.

Exactly, mom was the one who told him to leave.

It really isn’t healthy to kick kids out like this.

Here is someone who says to go live with dad.

This person thinks a change of environment would be good.

It sounds like mom and son need therapy.

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