When you move into a new neighborhood, it is great to be able to meet everyone and hopefully become friends.
What would you do if the neighbors you met are very nice to you, but completely ignore your wife and won’t explain why?
That is what happened to the couple in this story, so the husband kicked them off his property and now they are upset.
Check it out.
AITA for kicking my neighbors off of my property for not speaking to my wife?
My (36m) wife Lex (33f) is a middle school teacher.
I work as financial consultant.
We make decent money and a few months ago, we purchased our first house together.
Our neighbor, Ryan (40’s male) lives across the street with his wife and toddler (2f).
He’s been very friendly and comes over to chat all the time, including a couple days ago while I was working on my car.
He stayed for maybe 30 minutes and then left, as usual.
Later before bed, Lex asked me if I ever noticed that Ryan does not speak to her.
Why would they ignore her?
I said I had no idea what she was talking about.
She said he will only talk to me and not her, that she noticed none of our neighbors address her and that their wives never come with them.
I thought she was exaggerating and she said forget it, so I did until yesterday.
Ryan and another neighbor Frank (40’sm) were walking towards us while we were doing yard work.
I watched as they walked past Lex, who waved at them and said hi, to come talk to me.
This time, I did notice that they didn’t acknowledge her.
When they came up, I said hi and we started chatting.
It is definitely intentional.
When Lex went back inside for a minute, I asked why they didn’t wave at her or respond.
They claimed they didn’t notice her and I asked how could they not, that she was less than a foot away from them when they walked past.
Frank joked that his fiancée says that he can only hear voices under a ‘certain timbre’ and maybe that’s why.
Ryan laughed but I didn’t.
I asked him to acknowledge Lex when she addressed them.
He said it’s not that big of a deal and Frank agreed.
They are acting really weird.
I said it was to me.
Ryan suggested that Lex should go hang out with his wife so we could hang out and she didn’t feel ignored.
I said it’s not about hanging out, but just common courtesy, that they were on our property and should acknowledge her.
Ryan said that he felt no need to talk to Lex because I was his buddy.
Frank agreed and said, “Besides, teachers tend to be no fun. Mine were annoying,” and they both laughed.
So I told them to get off my property.
They told me they were kidding and to learn to take a joke, but I insisted they leave.
They did with a couple of apologies, though they didn’t sound super sincere.
I haven’t told Lex what happened yet, I will when we go to lunch today.
But this morning, we were touching up our flowerbed when another neighbor (Ben 30s) came over and told me Ryan and Frank were saying I was being a jerk.
(Lex wasn’t around to hear this as she was watering the flowers in the back of the house).
Keeping the peace is good, but they need to be polite as well.
He said it was a bit offensive, but that they’re good people and were kidding and I should go make things right as to not disturb the peaceful neighborhood, but I don’t think I should.
To be clear, none of the conversation involved any yelling or anything.
No cursing or name calling, either.
But we just moved here and I might have put us in a bad spot.
This is a really weird situation.
Why are they so insistent that they don’t talk to his wife? It doesn’t make
Let’s take a look at the comments to see what other people think.
Yup, boundaries need to be set.
This commenter says good job for having his wife’s back.
This person says he should have listened to his wife better.
It really does look this way.
This person says he did the right thing.
These neighbors were really out of line.
It’s hard to believe guys like this still exist – and are married, too!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.