
Classmate’s Refusal To Say Her Name Right Leads To A Confrontation And A Failing Grade

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/RDNE Stock project

Getting someone’s name wrong might seem like a small slip, but when it’s intentional, it hits differently.

So, how would you feel if someone consistently called you by the wrong name despite being corrected multiple times? Would you shrug it off? Or would you confront them, especially when it starts affecting your work?

In the following story, one student decides enough is enough and addresses the issue head-on. Here’s how it all unfolded.

AITA for confronting someone for not saying my name correctly?

My name isn’t hard. Actually, it’s pretty basic. I don’t use my first name, but it is always annoying for someone to say the wrong one if they do use it, so it’s Isabelle.

This person consistently says Isabella with that accent like they’re emphasizing the a.

The day this blew up, we had a presentation together at school, and I told her the first time we started working together about my name. Then, every other time, she said Isabella, and then in the presentation, she wrote every place Isabella to the point where it was becoming so obsessive that I was confused as to why she was acting like this.

Here’s where she had enough.

I (a little bit) aggressively said, “Why the **** are you doing this?” Because it didn’t make any sense to me. She then blamed me and said I had never said anything before and it was all my fault.

I had made multiple notes in the presentation showing that I had pointed out that that was not my name. Then I submitted a claim to my teacher saying that I felt like this was a hostile group and to please change it.

She ended up getting in trouble because the teacher saw it as harassment because of how she was saying it and emphasizing it, which failed her on the project. It was 35% of our grade.


Wow! Calling someone by the wrong name is disrespectful.

Let’s check out what the readers over at Reddit have to say about this story.

Here’s someone who thinks the girl was off-base and the teacher was harsh.

As this comment points out, the correct spelling of your name is important in school.

Agree! The classmate did go overboard, and the teacher handled it perfectly.

This is a professor’s perspective.

She needed to be taught a lesson.

It sounds like she had a personal issue with Isabelle and was doing this to bully her.

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