
Coworker Cut In Line To Heat Up His Food At Lunchtime, So The New Guy At Work Ripped The Microwave Away From Wall So Nobody Couldn’t Heat Up Their Lunch

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge/Pexels/MART PRODUCTION

Lunchtime can be serious in the workplace, and sometimes people who are hangry do crazy things.

See how one Redditor retaliates when a co-worker cuts in line to use the microwave.

Let’s read the story below to find out all the details…

Microwave shenanigans

I was relatively new to my job [and] waiting for the bloke in front of me to be finished with the microwave, so I could heat up my food next.

When it was my turn, this older guy pushed in front and put his food in.

And when I said, “Hey, mate I was next,” he said he didn’t care and [asked what I was] going to do about it.

Oh, this man definitely did something about it.

The microwave was sitting on this white heavy cabinet and [I], being somewhat strong fella,  dragged it off and away from the wall, [ripping] the microwave power cord out.

[I] dragged the cabinet back to the wall and said, “Now, we both eat cold lunches.”

He took his cold lunch out, called me a jerk, and we ate our cold lunches in silence.

Pretty awkward, but there’s a sweet ending.

Not a super intense funny story, but I was stoked I stood up for my self, albeit petty.

We are mates now, though, so all is well.

Hopefully, their hangry behavior is just a funny memory now. Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

Some Redditors pitched on alternate revenge plans.

Others were surprised that there wasn’t a consequence attached to such rash behavior.

And others questioned the level of petty revenge executed.

This seems like an overreaction — and ultimately, he ruined his lunch in the process!

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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