Some neighbors are straight out of devil’s workshop and this story is of a neighbor just like that.
This guy was so done with his embarrassing neighbor that he decided to go overboard with his maliciousness. The way the neighbor acts in response gets pretty weird!
Check out the full story!
Read the city codes!
I am in my mid 30’s. Own a 120 y/o victorian home that happens to be on the cities historic registry.
I believe my 60 y/o neighbor (who happens to be a licensed clinical social worker) is jealous of the status of my home and thinks she owns the block.
He and his neighbor had the largest properties on the block.
This happens to take place on a town block where most properties are quarter acre at best.
My neighbor(The one in question) and I happen to have homes with half acre or bigger backyards. Football field long, next to each other.
After living here for two years I happened to have friends over and had pretty loud music set up in the backyard on a July evening(5-6pm). DJ, turntables, and single 15″ PA speaker.
He knew she would create some trouble!
I notice her come home through the fence and start trolling her backyard while talking on the phone.
A few minutes pass ,and I was visited by law enforcement that pretty much stated you are good to play at the current volume until 10pm when the noise ordnance kicks in.
I go back to enjoying my family and friends and cooking meat.
She was such a party killer!
20 or so minutes later she comes out and parks her lawnmower right next to the fence and fires it up, zip ties it to the on position and goes back inside.
This went on for about an hour, embarrassing me in front of my guests.
Pretty much ruining the evening.
We slowly lower the volume nearing the 10pm noise curfew. The mower shuts off around 9p. I kept playing music as the sun went down and started a fire in my pit.
Then promptly shut the music off right at 10pm.
He tried talking to her about it but…
This is when we notice her again trolling the backyard, this time recording us with her cellphone..Very embarrassing for me, to my guests.
I confront her with a text talking about how much pollution her mower made VS her hybrid vehicle, as a passive aggressive knock to her.
I start exiting guests and wishing them a good night while walking them out of the yard(10:30ish pm).
This is when we notice her in her yard with these fake little coughs like the fire is now bothering her.
At this point I realize I cannot use my backyard for entertaining at all with this lady around..
Her response texts told me to read the city codes regarding noise.
I know the code and followed it perfectly.
Turns out the neighbor was violating a code.
However I did not much read the other codes.
One of which is regarding trash and appliances etc in backyards.
Good time to say her backyard literally looks like a junkyard..appliances, trash, 20 foot dead tree pile..hoarder style..paths through the cruft. we have pretty mature trees separating us, however it’s still pretty visible.
My guests that night even brought it up.
He was so done with her!
I figure this is a good time to report HER to the city regarding the cruft.
This opened a two year can of worms of her as slow as she could, every night an hour or two, cleaning the cruft.. under the view of the city code officer.
Fast forward through the summer to Christmas 2017.
With her backyard still pretty messy.. I placed a hoarders season 1 DVD on her porch with a bow. A wonderful passive aggressive event in my malicious mind.
She was heartless as well…
Then near this event, a few nights later.. She let her dog out past dark and seems to keep it outside ALL night despite the below freezing temperatures and feet of this point she is putting her dog in harm to get back at me it seems like.
My bedroom is at the rear of my house and obviously I can hear it through the window.
I then go outside despite the freezing temperatures as well and follow her above lead and take a 30 minute video of her dog barking and whaling at the cold!!
I send this video to animal control.
This is where it gets mysterious…
No way lady, don’t put your dog in harms way as a tool to get back at me..
The dogs then seem to disappear, I haven’t seen a dog over there since, to this day!
Thank you animal control.
The neighbor made a big mistake.
Fast forward to spring 2018.
Around this time I placed a camera in my front window for general security as she is building a fence between our houses. Boxing her self in. Attempting to block my view of trash rather than finish cleanup!
She then gets a surveyor to come out post construction and I notice her new fence is 1 foot into my property, all the way back..I am keeping this one in my back pocket..
Things got creepier…
This is when she pretty much disappears herself!
She no longer parks in her driveway..gone.. O
ne day, weeks later I notice her car in the driveway of the home behind hers.
On the next numbered street.
She is parking there and walking through his backyard, into hers to get into her house.
Pretty strange behavior over a camera I have placed..
It gets even weirder!
Her place has since gone dark! No lights, ever! Even as I write this, now.
Very strange.
I notice her every once in a while drive by..
I haven’t had guests over into the yard since and probably never will..
This is obviously ongoing and missing a few details but after reading a few of these I thought it belonged here.
I am a terrible neighbor, but she definitely has some mental issues that she seems to be working through based on these events.
YIKES! That’s a scary neighbor!
She was probably up to no good. It’s great that this guy decided to install cameras.
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit have to say about this one.
This user has an important suggestion for this guy’s property.
This user thinks it is interesting how the neighbor did everything to avoid the cameras.
This user thinks this guy needs to make sure his property line is well defined!
That’s right! This user wants this guy to take immediate action on the fence problem.
Exactly! Another user suggests reporting the fence.
Who would have thought neighbors could get this creepy!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.