Pregnancy is a private journey, but not everyone shares that sentiment.
After suffering a miscarriage, one expectant mother was extra careful about sharing the news of her pregnancy too soon.
However, one friend took offense to not being told sooner, casting a dark shadow over what should have been a joyful announcement.
You’ll want to read on for this one!
AITA for not telling my friend I’m pregnant sooner?
My close friend is upset with me for not telling her sooner that I was pregnant and because I told our other friend, who has a kid, before her.
I had told our other friend early because I had a ton of questions and it was nice to have her support answering them.
Once we had our final first trimester test cleared at 12 weeks, I immediately told my parents, then my close friend.
There are mutual friends between my husband and close friend, so I made sure to tell her first so she didn’t find out from anyone else.
Her pregnancy journey hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing.
I also had a miscarriage earlier in the year (which I honestly hate talking about), but I told her about that with the pregnancy news.
She wasn’t thrilled to how her friend reacted.
She congratulated me and gave condolences about my miscarriage, but also slipped in a few passive aggressive comments about how she was so out of the loop and how I could have just told her sooner.
I looked past the comments to not create any drama.
And she wasn’t going to let her displeasure go unheard.
A week later she sent me a very long text about how hurt she is that I didn’t tell her sooner but I told our other friend and that she feels like I don’t trust her.
She also said it put her in an unfair position because our mutual friends would bug her asking if I was pregnant and it sucked not to know I actually was.
She said she’s been crying over this with how hurt she is and that me not telling her about my miscarriage sooner is even more hurtful that I left her out of the loop.
The expectant mother feels she had a very good reason for being “secretive”.
I’m a pretty reserved person and don’t get all mushy with baby stuff.
It took us almost a year to finally get pregnant and I had a lot of spotting with the first.
I didn’t want to tell anyone early (besides my other friend who had been through it) in case it was a miscarriage (which it was) because then it’s so uncomfortable to have to go back and tell people jk I’m not pregnant.
It was overall a very stressful and frustrating experience trying to conceive and with the second pregnancy, again I didn’t want to start telling people until we had all the tests come back as low risk.
And she’s starting to feel resentful of her friend for reacting so poorly.
I understand that my friend might be upset feeling I don’t trust her, but that’s not it at all and honestly this just has nothing to do with her.
I like privacy and really hate talking about my miscarriage and I wish she would just respect that instead of being hurt by it.
Her feelings are valid, but I wish she had vented to a friend about it instead of me.
It’s put a rain cloud on announcing it and the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get that she’s made my pregnancy about her.
It seems her exciting announcement didn’t pan out the way she’d hoped.
What did redditors have to say?
This commenter is totally on the mother’s side.
The mother’s actions were completely understandable, especially considering the circumstances.
Her friend needs to start understanding that this isn’t about her at all.
The mother was simply protecting her and her family’s best interests.
This expectant mother’s pregnancy journey was a long and difficult road, one that required her to hold off on sharing all the details until it was safe.
She deserves to have her choices respected by the people closest to her.
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