When someone offers to take your picture, that’s usually a kind gesture.
It’s nice to have pictures of yourself in scenic places without those pictures having to be selfies.
In today’s story, a boyfriend offers to take his girlfriend’s picture on a hiking trail.
She agrees, but when she sees the pictures he took, it leads to an argument.
Let’s see why she’s so upset…
AITA for refusing to let my boyfriend take a photo of me?
AITA for refusing to let me boyfriend take a photo of me?
For context… today is a stat holiday so my boyfriend and I, (33M and 28F) decide to go hike a trail together.
A few minutes into the trail, I pulled my phone out to take a photo because the sun was peeking through the forest-scape in a very photogenic way.
Her boyfriend wasn’t taking the type of photo she expected…
My boyfriend, who very very rarely attempts to or offers to take photos of me, asks if I want a photo.
I gratefully accept and walk 10 feet up the trail and turn to face him, he laughs and goes “aww a good one” and turns around my phone to show he had 10X zoomed in on my front lower torso.
I gave him a choked out “ha ha very funny” as he insists he’ll take a serious one.
I turn back around and walk 10 feet again and turn around, smile, pause.
He paces towards me and goes “another good one” and turns the phone to show me another zoomed in photo of my crotch.
She is sick of her boyfriend’s jokes.
At this point, my patience for this “joke” has very much passed but he won’t hand me my phone and insists he will take a serious one.
But as I turn to walk away I see him zooming in again so I try to pull my jacket over my backside (I’m wearing leggings) because I feel that that’ll be the next victim of the 10X zoom.
As I walk away he tries to show me the hilarious zoomed in photo of me trying to pull my jacket over myself.
I begin to walk away again after putting out my hand so he can give me my phone.
He refuses and insists that he’s going to do a serious one.
Her boyfriend thought she couldn’t take a joke.
I say “no thanks” and start to walk away which is when he begins verbally berating me for trying to ruin a fun time and that he’s “just being goofy.”
For nearly the first 45 minutes of the trail we didn’t speak and then when we finally did we never discussed it.
Am I overreacting, am I enabling him by laughing the first time?
I’m aware he is into immature humour (he consumes a lot of Kill Tony etc) and I try not to be judgemental but that type of humour just isn’t personally for me.
Her boyfriend thinks she’s wrong for being upset by a “joke.”
Also, later in the hike he offered to take more photos of me but I declined.
(I hold a grudge, bite me).
Last weekend we got into a unrelated heated argument about how a “joke” he made upset me.
While trying to explain why it was upsetting, he cut me off and in an aggressive tone, suggested I post an AITA to resolve the matter….
so help me out folks…
He was being pretty inconsiderate and pushed the joke too far, especially when he could tell she was annoyed with his behavior.
It’s too bad she never actually got the picture of herself that she wanted.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
Her boyfriend should’ve known better than to keep repeating the same joke.
He may not be the right guy for her…
This reader thinks the boyfriend “took things too far.”
Here’s a vote for dumping the boyfriend.
They may not be compatible.
She deserves better.
You have to know when to knock it off.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.