The teen years are a tumultuous time for mothers and their daughters.
You want to protect your kid from the world, but you also need to let them make their own decisions and have their own opinions.
See how a boundary issue put this teen at odds with her mom.
AITA for snapping at my mom to stop telling me to get rid of my leg hairs
I’m 13 and my mom keeps wanting me to wax my legs.
I’m Indian, so I have dark, thick hair on my legs that’s very visible.
I don’t mind it, though. I think a gentle breeze through my leg hairs is the best feeling in the world.
Her mom’s persistence is personal.
My mom doesn’t have the same stance.
I think she was bullied as a child because of her leg hair so she’s pressuring me to wax mine off even though I don’t want to.
She keeps telling me that I would look “cleaner” without them and that people will call me bad names.
Some random girls from school made comments once when I was wearing shorts about me being a “yeti,” and I think my mom heard because she was nearby, so maybe that’s where this is coming from.
I’m a fairly secure person though.
If you think I’m ugly, then avert your eyes.
It’s not that hard.
And she won’t let it go.
Earlier today, my mom made yet another comment saying that “It would look much nicer if I got rid of my hairs” and I kind of snapped.
I told her that “There’s no reason to try and give me random insecurities” and “She can police her own body but not mine.”
I get that she’s coming from a good place and that she’s trying to protect me from bullies and stuff, but I’m fine!
I genuinely feel good about myself and my body as a whole.
I just don’t see a reason to make myself conscious about myself in that way, and I’m trying not to internalize her comments.
So, should I have at least been nicer?
Here is what people are saying.
It really is bullying! I’m glad she didn’t give into it.
I am proud of her, too. She couldn’t have explained it to her mom better! This kid is going places.
She sounds SO awesome. I hope her mom will lay off.
Good for you! It’s good to find the absurdity in it.
Absolutely. Always stand up for yourself.
I wish this kid had been my friend when I was 13!
That kind of confidence is unfortunately tough to come by in young people.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.