
Her Mom Told Her That She Needs To Eat More So That She’ll Grow Taller, So She Replied That It’s Her Mom’s Fault That She’s Short

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

If your parents are tall, you’ll likely be tall.

If your parents are short, you’ll probably be short.

That shouldn’t be surprising to anyone, but in today’s story, one short mother seems to think her daughter should be tall.

Her daughter is sick of her mom’s comments about her height and weight.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for telling my mom that I get my bad genetics from her

I am a 15F and I’m about 4’10.

My moms 4’8 and my dads 5’2 .

I’m well aware that I’m not very tall and I know that I am rather thin and weigh about 90 pounds .

I was eating dinner with my mom and she mentions how I’m really short and need to eat more to get taller.

I tell her that I’m 15 and I’ve grown how much is possible and she goes on a rant about how “if id have eaten more i would have been beautiful, tall, and curvy.”

Her mom can’t seem to accept her reasoning.

I tell her that I really don’t care about all that and that I’ve come to terms with my small stature.

Besides, it’s not like I don’t eat.

I eat when I’m hungry. I’m not going to force myself to eat more than what I want.

I tell her that she isn’t all that tall either and neither is my dad , if it was anyone’s fault for me being short, it was her, as I got her genetics .

She got offended and has now walked off saying that I will never understand .

I’m not sure what being thin has to do with being short or tall.

She has repeatedly told me that I’m too thin and I need to eat more to become more chubby and curvy like her and my other relatives.

Each time I’ve always said something along the lines of “It’s my body and I feel okay with how it is.”

Each time this gets her really upset and she walks off and tells everybody I starve myself to be thin and thats why I’ve not grown any taller.

Her mom seems to think of her as a little girl.

She’s also really forceful with other parts of my looks if that’s relevant here.

For example, I’ll have my hair in a bun when I’m at home and she’ll make me sit down and comb my hair for 20 minutes straight as if im a doll.

She puts it in these really weird looking hairstyles that you would see on a five year old .

I tell her that I don’t like it and she screams at me to not take it off and doesn’t talk to me if I do.

Currently she is refusing to talk to me because “I don’t respect her” or something and I really don’t see what I’ve done wrong here.

Can someone please tell me , AITA??

I think her mom is being ridiculous.

Eating more won’t make her taller.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

Her mom is wrong to think eating more will make her taller.

Her mom isn’t thinking clearly.

Oooo…I wonder how her mom would react if she said this!

Here are some suggestions for the daughter about how to cope with the mother.

This reader points out that she is not too thin.

Her mom is crazy to be mad at her for not being taller!

Just accept her for who she is.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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