His Coworker Keeps Stealing His Whiskey, So He Replaces It With Something Salty To Reveal The Culprit
by Ashley Ashbee
One of the perks of working from home is you don’t have to worry about a coworker stealing your lunch.
Or at least, you shouldn’t.
The person in this story kept getting his alcohol stolen, and he knew he had to catch the person in action.
Read on to see the gross method he used to put a stop to it.
Stealing from locker, enjoy your trophy
My father worked in a factory in Eastern Europe in the 1980’s.
I know how weird it sounds in the 2020s, but at the time it was pretty common for workers in the factory to come to work drunk or they would drink alcohol at work.
My father was not much different and he would occasionally bring a bottle of brandy and keep it in his locker.
Oddly, that’s not the most noteworthy part of this story…
These lockers were pretty easy to access without a key.
You would need just a screwdriver or some piece of metal and door would be easily bent and returned to original afterwards.
The factory was working in shifts and when you came next day, you would notice that someone opened your locker and something is missing.
As my father was bringing quite good booze it would be missing next day.
After who knows how many times his booze was stolen, he had enough of it and he decided to set a trap for the thief.
The brandy he usually brought was a color similar to whiskey (due to being matured in oak casks).
He took an empty bottle to the toilet and filled it with his, well… you know… and locked it back to his locker and went home after his shift was over.
The stage has been set and now the curtain will drop.
As shifts slightly overlapped, the next day when he would come to work, people from the previous shift were still there.
He came to his locker and noticed that bottle was completely missing.
He came to the work space and loudly asked if anyone knows what has happened to the bottle with urine from his locker.
He said that he had to go to a medical check as he might have some infection and he had to bring some in the morning, but he have forgotten it in his locker day earlier.
One of guys turned red and started yelling at my father how he dared to leave it in bottle labeled as brandy, that someone could have mistakenly drink it and get seriously sick.
His locker was never robbed again and that guy have gotten new nickname.
Here is what people are saying.
I loved that, too. (Chef’s kiss)
These are all good. How do I choose?!
I see what you did there…
I guess he can’t switch to vodka.
No cover for that one.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad coworker, coworker prank, europe, factory jobs, FUNNY, picture, prorevenge, reddit, top, whiskey

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