
Landlord Made Up A List Of Damages So He Can Keep Tenant’s $1000 Deposit, So Tenant Reported His Landlord To The IRS For Tax Fraud

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Canva

It is always risky to do an under-the-table transaction. More often than not, it will lead to disaster.

This man shares his experience renting a condo unit from someone he met on Craigslist.

Everything went fine until it was time to move out, and he asked for his deposit back. He ended up devised a plan to make sure this landlord learned his lesson.

Read the full story below for all the details!

I Reported My Former Landlord To The IRS For Tax Fraud As Revenge For Him Making Up Lies On Me To Keep My Deposit. He Had To File For Bankruptcy and Lost His Condo!

I found this guy on Craigslist a few years ago.

I like renting condos from private owners, as opposed to renting apartments.

Typically by renting a condo, it’s safer and you have more caring residents, and you get to have a luxury-apartment-style home with all the amenities, and you can negotiate pricing.

He deposited $1000 for a one-year lease of the condo.

I am an excellent tenant, and anyone who I have rented from will tell you that.

I paid a $1000 deposit to move into this guy’s condo.

I was on a year’s lease.

He lives in another state, but we were on the same time zone.

He came home one day and couldn’t get inside the unit.

On month 8 of my lease, I came home to a door that wouldn’t open.

I couldn’t get the door unlocked for real!

I had two keys on me.

As much as I tried to turn them, I couldn’t.

One of the keys even broke in the lock.

The landlord wasn’t responding.

I waited two hours.

I called, texted, and emailed my landlord, and he did not pick up!

I thought maybe he had someone to change the locks for some reason.

I honestly didn’t know what to think, and had no one to help me.

His neighbor gave him the number of an on-call locksmith.

The lady who lived across from me saw me in distress as she was going into her apartment.

I had never seen her, but she asked me if I were okay, and I explained to her that I couldn’t get into the apartment.

She told me that she knows of an on-call locksmith. She gives me his number.

I tell her thanks, and reach out to my landlord a few more times.

No response.

So, he called the locksmith.

I had no choice but to call the locksmith, plus I had to pee like crazy!

The locksmith arrives, and could not get the door unlocked with my key.

He says he can replace the lock for like $100.

The locksmith replaced the faulty knob.

I told him I was renting a condo, and couldn’t get in touch with the owner, and I didn’t know when would be the next time I could get in touch with him.

After he took the lock off, he told me it was faulty.

So, he replaced the lock.

At the end of the lease, the landlord didn’t want to do a walkthrough with him.

I told the landlord about this via email, text, and voicemail and told him that I could send him copies of the keys if he wanted.

So, fast forward to the end of my lease, I demand that he does a walkthrough with me.

He said he wouldn’t.

Instead, he sent a proxy to do the walkthrough.

I told him that if he didn’t do a walkthrough, I would be notifying the condo office (as he did not have permission to sublease by the association).

He then had a friend to serve as his “proxy” to come meet me and walkthrough the unit.

The place was SPOTLESS!

I know how to clean.

I took multiple photos and videos, and showed his proxy (who is a police officer) the unit.

The proxy affirmed that everything was okay, and there was no problem in the unit.

Actually, they are both police officers who used to work together.

We both literally tested ALL the appliances, faucets, checked the blinds, carpets, hardwood… EVERYTHING!

His proxy gave me the “okay,” and said that everything looked great.

I give his proxy the keys, and later that night, left for my new city.

The landlord was ignoring his calls and emails regarding the $1000 deposit.

So fast forward to a month later, I haven’t heard from him about my deposit.

He ignored all my emails and phone calls.

He finally gets back with me two months after I moved out.

When he finally responded, he said there was a lot of damage in the unit!

He has all this ridiculous, made up crap about how I damaged his unit, such as broken blinds and scratches on the hardwood floor.

He made it seem like I damaged his door by getting the lock replaced.

He said there were scratches on the outside of his door.

Rust here and there, broken dish washer, broken sink, oven, and dryer.

Obviously, this man said it was all a lie.

These are all freaking lies!

I would NEVER leave a unit in that condition!

He sent me an “itemized” list of all the “charges” that magically came out to be $1000.

The same as my deposit!

So he devised a plan to get back at him.

He was always planning to keep my money.

He wanted that money to either ball on it or upgrade his condo.

I hated him!

I decided I wasn’t going to go to court because I had moved to a different state and live alone, but I thought of something.

He reported the landlord to the IRS.

He rented to me under the table, and likely didn’t claim my rent payments as earned income.

I had all my wire transfers on my bank statement. I had his routing and account number. And a copy of his driver’s license as we agreed to swap IDs when I signed the lease to make sure I wasn’t getting scammed.

I found his out of state address online, gathered all my bank statements, gathered his bank account numbers, and made a report with the IRS!

The landlord eventually lost his condo and went bankrupt.

About a few years later, I check up on things and that guy lost his condo, and lost everything he owned in bankruptcy!

I paid for and downloaded his court records, and saw proof that he lost everything including his condo and cars and had his bank accounts seized.

I’m not sure if he has went to jail or anything, but I’m so glad that he got his karma!

He stole money from me that I gave him to rent a condo, and he ends up losing that same condo to bankruptcy.

He can rot for all I care.

Whoa! What a pro-level revenge indeed. Let’s find out what other people have to say about this on Reddit.

This user has a question.

This person shares their personal thought.

Someone who works in collections speaks up.

He got what he deserved, says this person.

Finally, here’s a valid assumption from this person.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is how karma works.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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