Sometimes, the worst kind of enemy is a former friend.
You’ve heard of Netflix and chill, but this is a story of Netflix that is NOT chill.
Let’s see what drama is queued up below…
Psycho tries to frame my roommate so I spoil her tv
So two months ago, my roommate lent his car keys to his “friend” because her car died.
The next day he had to go to work, but she refused to give them back.
So when my roommate tried to take them from her, she bit, scratched, hit, and kicked him, and he was covered in marks.
Whoa! An extreme reaction leads to even more histrionics…
Ever since this incident, the crazy chick has been trying to mess up his life in any way she can.
She has accused him of attacking her, she claimed that he is in love with her, she claimed that she feared for her life when they hung out (even though my roommate was literally paying this chick’s bills and rent…) and she has been fighting tooth and nail to get him fired or arrested or anything to ruin him.
Because of this, obviously we can’t interact with her at all or it will probably be brought into court.
Unstable AND litigious? The worst kind of foe.
Cue petty revenge.
I noticed a couple days ago that she had left her Netflix logged in on mine and my roommate’s TV.
So I went ahead and fiddled with any settings I could change.
Diabolical, right?
If she had subtitles off, I put them on and made them huge and bright.
Every show that she had ranked as “love this” I reranked as “hate this,” and I removed every single thing from her saved list.
I then changed the maturity level allowances, changed her icon and nickname, and changed the app language so that she can’t even easily fix anything.
Then I started looking for the worst movies I could find- The Emoji Movie, Angry Birds movie, Cocomelon- and I started ranking them all as “loved.”
Not Cocomelon! Anything but Cocomelon!
I also found the shows that she had been watched and I skipped ahead multiple episodes in all of them.
This whole thing has brought me some peace of mind, knowing that this is her primary source of TV and movies.
Seems like this revenge is harmless but satisfying.
What do you think?
Let’s see if the comments section has any ideas…
This person thinks it’s more of a legal matter.
This person is like, “Uh… go further?”
This commenter says the show choices were cruel and unusual punishment.
And this user has even more diabolical tips to ruin the queue…
And this person thinks the revenge should be less petty.
Yeah, I’d delete my Netflix account if I were her.
But also maybe call the cops.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.