
Man Sold Land That Had Been In His Family For 150 Years, But Seven Years Later His Daughter Tried To Spread Her Dad’s Ashes And The New Owner Said No

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

When you sell land, it’s no longer yours.

It doesn’t matter how long that land has been in your family.

In today’s story, that’s exactly how the land owner feels about the property he owns.

The problem is that the land was in the previous owner’s family for 150 years, and the former owner’s daughter wants to visit the land for a special request.

He’s not sure if he should let her.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA for not letting the previous owners daughter spread his ashes on my property?

In 2012 I purchased about 100 acres as an investment property.

Prior to this, the property had been in the same family for about 150 years.

I met the previous owner, who explained the land had a lot of personal significance but it wasn’t financially possible to keep the acres.

Since then I’ve built some cabins that I rent out and have sold off smaller portions of the acreage to lumber companies and other landowners.

The former owner’s daughter called him with a specific request.

About a week ago the previous owners 21 year old daughter contacted me.

Both of her parents had passed in a car accident, and while he was alive her father (the previous owner) indicated he wanted his ashes spread on the property that I now own.

More specifically, he wanted them spread at a specific spot, which is near one of my rental cabins.

The daughter was furious!

I refused, since it’s bad optics for the renters and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of a man’s ashes being scattered on my land.

The daughter completely went off at me telling me I was a bad person, had no sympathy for her, and called me a bunch of other names.

He doesn’t see any reason why he should allow the daughter to spread her dad’s ashes on his property.

I feel like it’s my right to not allow her to spread her father’s ashes since it’s MY property.

I’ve owned it for 7+ years, it’s no longer a part of her family and she’s not entitled to anything.

She also admitted her father didn’t have a will and she’s going off things he said when she was a teenager.

His wife thinks he should let the daughter spread the ashes.

However when I told my wife about this she completely flipped out on me and said I’m TA.

I also learned from a friend (it’s a small community so word got around about the previous owner and his wife passing) that the daughter doesn’t have any other family to help with funeral arrangements, the estate, and her younger siblings.

While I’m sorry for her loss, I don’t feel like she has any right to access to my property.

After having spoke to me with such disrespect earlier I’m not inclined to be sympathetic towards her.

He’s right that it is his property, but it was in the daughter’s family for 150 years.

Let’s see how Reddit responded…

This reader thinks he should grant the girl’s request.

It pays to be kind.

He needs to have compassion on the grieving daughter.

It couldn’t hurt to ask the renters if they would mind.

It wouldn’t really hurt anything if he said “yes.”

He must be some kind of psychopath.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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