
New Roommate Isn’t Paying Rent And Is Creating Lots Of Problems, So One Roommate Is Considering Reporting Them To The Landlord

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

Living with lots of roommates can be a great way to minimize living expenses, but that only works if everyone pays their fair share of the bills and rent.

In today’s story, one roommate is living rent free.

That really bothers one of the other roommates, but that’s not the only problem.

See why she’s considering telling the landlord…

WIBTA for reporting a guy living rent-free in my shared apartment to my landlord?

I (23F) live in a shared apartment with 9 others, making it a 10-person household.

About a month ago, one of my housemates had a friend (27M) come over for what was supposed to be a 2-day visit.

But… he’s still here.

From what I can tell, he’s not paying rent, and all the bedrooms are already occupied, so he sleeps in the room with his friend.

The new guy will be there for quite awhile.

I’ve spoken to the friend (the one who lives here), and he says this guy doesn’t plan to stay long-term, but he’s not sure when he’ll actually leave.

For now, he’s staying indefinitely.

His presence has become really disruptive.

Here’s a list of problems…

Most of us either work or go to university and need to get ready in the mornings, but he’s usually up at 5 or 6 a.m., and he tends to spend a lot of time in the bathroom.

The problem is that he often leaves it dirty and smelly, which makes it unpleasant for the next person to use.

On top of that, he’s often up at 4 a.m., playing loud music or having long calls with his family in India, and this noise wakes some of us up.

When he’s in the kitchen, he’s usually using the TV, so I can’t watch anything while cooking.

He is considering telling the landlord.

Our landlord also has a rule against room-sharing, so technically, his staying here long-term isn’t even allowed.

WIBTA for reporting this to the landlord?

More issues…

Additional issue: He’s taken one of the kitchen cabinets for his stuff, even though he doesn’t pay rent.

We all assumed 2 cabinets per person was fair, but now he’s using one.

He also uses the hand wash and kitchen towels we bought, doesn’t take out trash, and never cleans.

Her friend will probably hate her if she goes behind his back to tell the landlord about the extra roommate, but he really should start paying rent or move out.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

Here’s a vote for going to the landlord.

Maybe try talking to the new roommate first.

Here’s another vote for going to the landlord.

Consider tenants’ rights…

Go to the landlord, but don’t go alone.

The new roommate may not even know that anyone is annoyed that he’s there.

Maybe they should talk to them first.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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