It’s always exciting to see a cute animal.
When that cute animal comes with a wagging tail, a cute wet nose, and puppy-eyes to die for, the cuteness goes into overload.
But most of us know not to pet a dog without asking the owner first. But what to do when someone pets your dog when they really shouldn’t?
This is exactly the predicament facing the teenage boy in this story, who was left wondering if he was in the wrong for not wanting a child to pet his service dog.
Read on to find out more.
AITA for telling a parent to control her 8 year old?
I am seventeen years old, and I recently went to the store with my grandparents for a day out of the house.
I have a medical alert service dog that I bring almost everywhere with me in case of medical emergencies.
I was in the hygiene part of Walmart and my grandparents were in the food part of the store.
I was looking at soap and other things, and my dog was laying in front of my legs on a traffic leash in case of fainting episodes I have.
I had my back turned, and this 8 or 9 year old child yells “Mommy, a puppy!”
She ran up to me and tried to touch my dog.
Uh-oh. Read on to find out what happened next.
I told her no, but she kept doing it.
I kept telling her to stop it and that’s you should ask before touching a service dog.
I said “I told you no, I mean it.”
About three minutes later my legs gave out and my dog didn’t alert on time because of this kid touching him.
I’m pretty sure I passed out because the next thing I knew I was laying on the floor with my dog licking my face.
I have bruises on my legs from it.
Yikes. Let’s see how the kid and her mom reacted.
When the kid’s mom showed up I told her to control her child and teach her not to pet random dogs she doesn’t know.
Not only is it dangerous for me, it’s also a good way to get attacked by a dog.
The kid’s mom called me names and said I was overreacting, even though her daughter distracted a service dog.
I told her it was illegal in the state and that it was a Class C misdemeanor.
Then she walked away.
Let’s be honest, this isn’t entirely the kid’s fault.
It’s clear that she didn’t know and was excited to pet a cute dog.
But when the owner said no, any kid should have been taught enough respect to obey his wishes.
That’s on the mom.
Let’s see what Reddit had to say about this.
This person agreed that the mom should have been watching her kid.
While this person thought the boy should have taken further action.
Others figured that the mom’s parenting was definitely the problem.
And that maybe the mom should feel lucky the situation wasn’t worse.
There’s never any excuse for distracting a service animal – and this story shows exactly why.
If the mom had better control of the kid, or if the kid had been learn to respect boundaries, this man would not have ended up injured.
They’re lucky the situation only resulted in bruises.
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