
Police Officer Used The Handicap Parking Spot, So A Young Man And His Paraplegic Dad Blocked The Cop’s Car And Took Their Sweet Time In The Movies

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

If you were a person with a disability and someone else was parked in the handicapped parking space, what would you do?

This young man narrates how he and his paraplegic dad blocked off another vehicle parked at their usual parking spot.

Turns out, it was a police officer and he was infuriated that they had blocked his car.

However, as soon as he saw the dad in the wheelchair, he turned pale and started apologizing.

Would you have forgiven him?

Read the story below and find out.

Police officer blocks the handicap parking spot, and gets rekt.

My dad is a paraplegic, but is able to drive a specially modified car.

He needs the handicapped spot so that there is enough room to maneuver his wheelchair.

One day, he and I decided to go watch a movie at the local mall.

But when we got there, we find our usual parking spot occupied by a police car.

His dad parked right behind the car that took his handicap parking spot.

My dad decided the best alternative spot would be right behind the offender.

He wouldn’t be blocking the road, only that one spot.

We proceed to go and watch a movie, and had a nice meal at a restaurant.

We took our sweet time, too.

The driver was infuriated, and he confronted this young man.

About 5 hours later, we decided it was time to head home.

So, as we left the mall, my dad hung back to pay for the parking.

While I went ahead to open up the car to load him and his wheelchair.

When I approached the car, I was immediately confronted by a steaming buffalo of a man.

He asked me, “Is this your car?”

To which I responded, “It sure is.”

The cop plastered about 20 tickets on their car.

He went off like an exploding rotten whale carcass.

He called me every possible expletive his pea-sized brain could summon.

As I walked around the car, I saw that he had plastered about 20 parking tickets to the windscreen.

It’s worth noting that we did not have a handicapped sign in the window at the time.

Then, his dad showed up and the cop was so shocked.

I just calmly let him finish his tirade, as I waited for my dad to join me.

Which happened about a minute later.

I swear, the look on his already bovine face made the whole tongue lashing absolutely worth it.

The cop started apologizing.

He immediately started backtracking and apologising, trying to cover himself.

But the damage was done.

Apparently, he was just popping into the pharmacy to pick up something.

Eventually, they let him go.

As he started ripping the tickets of the windscreen, my dad stopped him to ask what he was doing.

He tried to play it off, but my dad insisted that he would be delighted to have his day in court for this one.

In the end, after some truly pathetic grovelling, we decided to let him off with a warning.

That was surprisingly satisfying.

Let’s find out what others have to say about this.

This person shares a similar story.

While this one wishes to have witnessed the incident.

It’s a power move, says this one.

This one shares an applicable quote.

People are loving the story.

I hope the cop learned his lesson to never park in a handicapped parking spot again.

What an absolute dope.

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