When it comes to today’s real estate market, giving away a house feels almost unthinkable.
But what happens when family pressure makes you feel like you have no other choice? Do you go along to keep the peace? Or do you stand your ground and sell the home instead?
In the following story, one woman deals with this very dilemma. Here’s what’s going on…
WIBTA for selling a house instead of giving it away?
I’m considering selling a home that I inherited to my cousin, who has been living in it and fixing it up for a few years now.
My dad guilted me into letting my cousin live in it for free for several years now because my cousin doesn’t have much and wants me to just deed the property to my cousin.
My cousin has made a lot of improvements to the house (supposedly $26k).
My husband thinks it’s unfair that I am just supposed to give this property away when we would like to use the money to improve our own home.
The cousin already thinks he’s getting the home for free.
Here’s where I feel guilty… my dad already told my cousin he could have the property before my cousin started fixing it up.
Supposedly my cousin has put pretty much all of his money into it. I feel if I don’t just give them the house, then they put their money into it under false pretenses when they may have used that money elsewhere.
But also they haven’t paid rent for several years so I could consider that as a form of rent.
Here’s where things stand now.
To be fair, I would subtract the amount of work they’ve put into it from the sell price.
My dad is mad and has been sending me on guilt trips ever since. He said he wouldn’t go back on his word and would end up just buying it himself and having to pay for it so my cousin could still live there for free.
My husband is adamant that my cousin is not my problem, and I do agree, but still, I feel guilty.
Wow! Her father is really going against her on this.
Let’s see what advice the folks over at Reddit can offer.
This person thinks she should let the dad buy the home.
Here’s someone who thinks she should stand up for herself.
As this person points out, you shouldn’t upgrade a home you don’t own.
Here’s a great point…
The dad has some nerve. He needs to make this right.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.