
Teenage Boy Reprimands His Younger Cousin During A Birthday Party, But The Little Cousin’s Dad Thinks He Was Out Of Line

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

When you get a bunch of little kids together, things can get wild.

That’s why a lot of birthday parties for younger children are not drop off parties.

When the parents stay at the party, they can keep an eye on their children.

In today’s story, a dad throws a birthday party for his son, and a cousin who is about the same age comes to the party.

The problem is that this cousin is being destructive.

The birthday boy’s older brother tries to step in to get him to stop being destructive, and now there’s family drama.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

AITA for telling my nephew that he has to listen to my eldest son no matter what his dad says?

My brother and his wife have a 6yo and 3yo boy twins.

The 6yo Cade has become a total handful since his brothers were born.

Last weekend, we threw a 7th birthday party for my son and Cade was invited.

There were other kids.

His teenage son told Cade to stop.

A bunch of 6 and 7yo boys took over the living room and made a fort.

At some point, they played a game where they “kidnapped” my 15yo son and held him hostage in the fort.

Cade was off in his own corner drawing my wall with markers.

He told him to stop and to hand over the markers.

Cade said no on the basis that Jeremy wasn’t in charge of him.

He stood up for his son.

Jeremy called me in, and I told Cade that, yes, Jeremy is in charge of you. He’s a responsible young adult.

Then I told Jeremy to handle his cousin.

He made Cade wash the wall and kicked him out of the fort.

I told Jeremy to explain why Jeremy did what he did.

Cade’s dad doesn’t think Jeremy should be in charge.

Sure enough, hours after Cade gets picked up, my brother texts Jeremy and told him that he is not in charge of Cade.

I called my brother up and said that Jeremy is responsible enough to supervise a bunch of 1st and 2nd grade boys.

He’s literally everyone’s favorite cousin and brother. He’s the eldest of four boys and is quite helpful.

I told my brother that Cade got off easy with Jeremy and he ought to be a better parent.

In his defense, since Cade’s dad wasn’t at the party, I can see how he probably got a distorted picture of what really happened.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

Maybe Cade’s dad should’ve stayed at the party.

There should’ve been adults in charge.

Jeremy’s dad was the one that should’ve been in charge, not Jeremy.

There were too many kids for one teen to handle.

How many adults were at the party?

Cade’s dad is mad at the wrong person.

Maybe Cade shouldn’t be invited next time.

This is kind of a tough one!

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