A peaceful night at work can quickly unravel when guests test the limits of your patience.
When rude guests continuously cross the line, one hotel front desk worker finds a way to finally send them packing.
Read on for the full story!
20-something year old calls Mommy because she was mistreated
The other night, a guest came down to the lobby and started listening to music on her phone.
She didn’t have headphones, and the music was loud with explicit lyrics.
Since it was 11 at night and slow, I let it go for about 10 minutes.
When the lounge closed, 3-4 stragglers walked through the lobby on their way to their rooms.
Soon the guests began to take notice and they aren’t pleased.
A few gave me and her strange looks, and I raised my eyebrows in acknowledgment.
Still, it didn’t seem like a huge problem, and it wasn’t bothering me.
Minutes later, one of my last arrivals walked in.
She was an older lady with the air of someone who’d leave a review full of complaints.
Sensing the disapproval, hotel staff was starting to sweat.
Right as she entered, the music on the phone got ridiculously explicit.
I hurried to check her in as fast as possible while she constantly glared at the woman on the couch.
She also gave me disappointed looks.
After checking her in, I realized I had to address the situation.
Finally, the employee had to speak up.
I politely said, “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but the sound on the phone will have to be off while you’re in the lobby.”
She shrugged, got up, and went to her room.
I thought, “That actually went well, right?”
But that wasn’t near the end of it.
Cut to the next night.
I had gone to the kitchen for five minutes to help the restaurant staff close for the night.
As I walked back to the desk, I noticed the same lady sitting on the couch.
Next to her, in a chair, was a guy about her age.
The employee knew they weren’t going to back off as easily this time.
They both appeared to be in their mid-20s—far too old for childish behavior.
Yet, I immediately knew that’s what I was about to get.
When I greeted them, the girl looked at the guy and nodded.
He nodded back, clearly signaling, “Yep, that’s the guy.”
Oh great, what’s this going to be?
I got behind the desk and braced myself.
They were clearly intent on being as disruptive as possible.
The guy loudly asked the girl, “Hey, have you heard such-and-such song?”
His tone was so obviously staged for my benefit.
He then said he’d play it for her and immediately blasted some weird circus-themed EDM.
Every other word was profanity.
But the employee wasn’t going to be as lenient this time.
I wasn’t going to let it escalate like the night before.
I politely told him the sound had to be off.
He replied, “I’m not going to turn it off, but I’ll turn it down.”
I shut that down and said, no, it needed to be off.
He complied but started having a conversation with the girl clearly aimed at me.
It was filled with backhanded insults just loud enough for me to hear.
So she calls her mom for backup,
At one point, the woman called her mom on her cellphone.
She started complaining about how badly the hotel was treating her.
Whatever — I’ve dealt with my fair share of rude guests.
Then they start to harass other guests.
Then, someone from the lounge passed through the lobby while talking on their phone.
The woman yelled at him, telling him he was too loud and might get kicked out.
That was the last straw.
The employee tried yet again to kick them out.
I told them both they needed to return to their rooms for the night.
They ignored me.
So, I picked up the phone and pretended to call security.
Security only uses radios, but the bluff worked.
They quickly got up and went to their rooms.
Soon the mother of the disruptive guest began causing trouble.
The next day, my GM called me.
The girl’s mom had come to the hotel, screamed for 15 minutes, and demanded to see a manager.
After I explained what happened, my GM laughed.
He told me to call the cops next time and have them escorted off the property.
Their crazy antics continued into a third night.
Then came night three.
The woman came back to the lobby holding hands with another girl.
They made a show of holding their hands up and giving me passive-aggressive grins.
They were clearly trying to bait the employee into losing their cool.
I have a southern accent that people notice immediately, and I figured they were baiting me.
They probably assumed I was some stereotypical Southern homophobe.
They browsed the brochure rack, whispering just out of earshot.
A few minutes later, the guy joined them.
The conversation got louder and was filled with insults aimed at me.
Finally, the employee lost their composure.
At this point, I’d had enough.
I told them they needed to return to their rooms or be escorted off the premises.
They demanded to know why.
I told them, “Because none of you have emotionally matured past middle school, and I won’t sit here and be disrespected for another night.”
She threatens to call her mom again.
The girl shot back with, “Did you not learn your lesson today? I guess I’ll have to call my mom again.”
I told her to go ahead and that her mom could be escorted off too.
They stormed off to their room.
But luckily, the story ends with some much-needed justice.
The next day, my GM called again.
Mommy had returned to the hotel, and he promptly ended their reservation a day early.
I love my GM.
Now that’s how you lay down the law!
What did Reddit think?
This commenter doesn’t know how the employee kept their cool for so long!
They should count themselves lucky that their boss had their back!
People like this clearly don’t have enough to do.
This user just finds the whole thing funny.
The guests quickly realized once their reservation was pulled early, they were backed into a corner.
They may have tried to make a scene, it was the hotel staff that had the last laugh.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.