When you compete in a competition, the winner gets the prize.
Maybe there are also prizes for the runners up, but obviously if you lose, you don’t get the prize.
In today’s story, one disc golf player who loses still wants a prize.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Entitled Disc Golfer Wants Consolation Prize
I recently played an amazing disc golf tournament where, predictably, I did not place.
No sweat off my back, I was there to have a good time, and I did.
I even retrieved a disc wedged in a hovel of a tree.
No ink on it, and no one at the tourney had lost one, so in my bag it goes.
It was a pretty sweet disc, nothing fancy, but like new & a known mold that people like throwing.
His friend tied for 3rd place.
Now to the meat of the story.
There was a tie for 3rd place, and one of my card mates was one of the tied players.
Tournament director only had 1 disc set aside for a 3rd place prize, so he initiated a throw off; both players toss 2 discs, and the one that lands closest to the nearest basket wins.
The opponent was a sore loser.
My card mate wins, and selects his prize.
His opponent, however, was less than enthusiastic of the result.
Later on, as we’re packing up to leave, this guy comes over and asks if my card mate would give him the disc he’d just won as a “consolation prize.”
Because he really wanted THAT factory seconds disc, and didn’t want to go home empty handed.
He’s not taking no for an answer.
He offered the loser the disc that was in the tree.
Finally, I pull out the disc I’d found and, in my best kindergarten teacher’s voice said:
“I’m sorry you didn’t win THAT disc. If you need a CONSOLATION prize, you may have THIS one.”
I figure, easy come, easy go, and this should peacefully resolve the situation.
I was not yet correct.
Eventually the loser gave up.
He took it, was incredibly nonplussed, then proceeded to continue to ask for the one he’d Failed To Win.
I had to interject again, saying he could give back the one I’d just given him, if it wasn’t good enough.
But, you Can’t Have THE ONE YOU DIDN’T WIN.
That seemed to break him out of whatever hyperfixation he’d gotten himself into, and he sheepishly said “thanks” and scuttled away.
They literally had a contest, and he didn’t win the prize.
Why would he expect the winner to give him the prize?
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
It worked out okay in the end.
Here’s a similar story…
Here’s a good idea…
This is probably pretty accurate…
He was making a big deal out of nothing.
Talk about being a poor loser!
Consolation prize indeed.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.