Few things are as infuriating as someone who is drunk or loud, except for maybe being stuck with them in a confined space for hours on end.
What if someone is all three?
Would you let it slide?
Check out how this fellow airplane passenger made sure she paid for it dearly.
I got an obnoxious passenger fired.
I’m a South African living in Japan and I took my Japanese wife to meet my parents and have a honeymoon in South Africa.
This was on the first of three flights back to japan was from Joburg to Qatar.
We take our seats and get settled in.
I noticed that lot of the passengers around us were wearing the same t-shirts (some kind of pharmaceutical company).
As soon as we got settled in, I noticed that the woman and two men sat behind us were also employees of this company.
As soon as they got settled in, I noticed she (lets call her Brandy) was quite chatty, loud and a bit obnoxious.
As soon as the seat belt sign switched off, Brandy started ordering brandy and Cokes for herself and her 2 coworkers.
As each drink came Brandy’s voice got louder more obnoxious.
The situated escalated from there.
After drink number 6 the topic of her conversation turns to relationships. By this time half the cabin could hear their conversation about how she disapproves of interracial relationships.
Then it happened.
A nice woman sitting on 4 seats to her left quite loudly says “Ma’am, could you please quiet down. You’re a bit loud and I am trying to get some sleep.”
I heard it too, so paused the song and took out my left earpod to excitedly eavesdrop.
Brandy was not happy.
She says “Excuse me, this isn’t a nighttime flight. Haven’t you heard of earplugs?”
And then jumps straight back into her conversation.
About 20 minutes later a flight attendant comes and politely asks Brandy to quiet down a bit.
She begrudgingly agrees, orders another round and quiets down.
Then another Chinese woman from the other side of the cabin gets up and walks to where Brandy is sitting, and in her best attempt at english says ‘Please be quiet, my child keeps waking up because of you.’
Brandy mocks her accent repeatedly.
The crew shut down liquor for everyone.
Then Brandy had opened her bottle of duty free brandy she bought at the airport.
Once again their conversation began to crescendo.
I saw my wife pull one of her earpods out turn to try and get a look at Brandy through the crack in the seat and then turn to look at me with a face I rarely see my wife make.
It was a face of pure rage and frustration.
Here come the drastic measures.
I snapped.
Now usually I’m not the kind of person who likes to cause a scene but I decided that I’m not going to let this jerk of a woman ruin my wife’s flight.
So I stood up and announced loud enough that the entire cabin turned to hear me, “Excuse me everybody. Can I please have all of your attention. By show of hands who of you would like these people to shut the **** up?”
About 30 passengers all around us raised their hands.
I then turn to Brandy and just point say “Look. Understand? Shut up!”
I sat back down to the sound of applause from all the passengers that were raising their hands.
On our descent, Brandy awakes and decides that she wants to play some cards on the entertainment screen attached to the back of my seat.
Trying her best to hit the buttons hard enough to make my seat move.
I teach kids for a living so I know that she is behaving like an angry toddler trying to get a rise out of me, so I ignore her.
We land, the plane taxis off the runway and everyone starts getting up to get off the plane.
As soon as I get up and she sees my wife and I she starts repeatedly insulting me about my weight and how I married an Asian woman because I can’t get a real south African woman blah blah blah.
High school bully level stuff.
I just smile and nod my head at everything she was saying and exit the plane.
We eventually get to the gate and low and behold, guess who’s also flying to Malaysia?
That’s right. it’s Brandy.
She’s standing by the gate window taking selfies and doesn’t notice me.
I find an empty seat next a guy wearing the same pharmaceutical company t-shirt and say ‘ excuse me sir, that woman over there with blonde hair taking selfie, what’s her name?’
He asks me why and I say that she looks like someone I used to go to high-school with but I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to make a jerk of myself asking her directly.
He tells me and I say “Oh then it’s not her sorry.”
Then he uses this ammo with precision.
I thank him and for the remainder of the wait at the gate, logged into the airport WIFI, found their company’s Facebook page and website.
I sent a detailed recount of Brandy’s behavior being sure to include all the colorful things she was talking about with her coworkers.
The next 2 flights back to Japan we’re uneventful and got home safe and sound.
2 weeks later I get a reply from the CEO asking me for my number as he would like to talk to me about what happened.
He calls me and profusely apologizes for what Brandy put us through.
Turns out that by the time Brandy landed in Malaysia the CEO had seen my message, changed her return flight back to South Africa for the very next day.
He fired her at arrivals at the airport when she got back.
I bought a bottle of Brandy and Coke on my way home from work that day to celebrate with my lovely wife.
Here is what folks are saying.
Odd, isn’t it?
That’s very smart, especially these days when finding a CEO’s details is super easy.
I can’t be happy for that. How sad.
I think social media and smartphones have made people super shy in real life.
It’s true! Terrible for a brand.
I hope their vacation was great!
At least it was quieter than the flight.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.