Even back in the 50s, some people were already trying to scam small businesses.
This person shares a story about his father who, at that time, was still a young boy.
A customer came into their lumber yard, trying to get a free soda by handing him a hundred-dollar bill.
When the man thought he would just give it for free, he didn’t.
Read the full story below for all the details.
A story from my dad
Back in the early ‘50s, my grandpa owned a lumber yard.
But this story isn’t about him.
It’s about his 10-year-old son, who would later become my father.
We’ll call him Frank.
Frank worked in the lumber yard with his dad.
One day, Frank was working in his dad’s lumber yard, as he did most days.
He’s working for free, because child labor laws apparently weren’t a thing back then.
He knew how to do pretty much anything in the business by that time.
Including run the cash register.
A customer walked in, trying to score a free pop.
Now, they had a pop machine in the store that sold a bottle for a nickel.
One day, a regular customer came in to hang around and make a nuisance of himself.
He said he’d like a pop, but he didn’t have any change.
Did Frank think they could “break a hundred?”
But instead, he took his hundred-dollar bill and broke it into change.
Now, that was a lot of money back then, and most shops wouldn’t have that much in the till.
Most of the time, the shop owner would just hand the guy a nickel rather than bother with it.
But not this kid.
He snatched that hundred away from annoying guy, and handed him back 99 ones and 20 nickels.
You can be assured he never tried to score free pop at that establishment again.
Let’s read the reactions of other people on this.
This user describes him as super smart.
This one has a plan.
This person shares their thought.
And lastly, this one shares a memory.
You can never outsmart a genius kid.
Adults are no match!
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