Ever been bamboozled by your friend?
One friend learned the hard way not to let a friend create a “surprise” drink.
Read one Redditor’s harrowing tale of accidentally drinking something that was not a pleasant surprise.
… well its technically a drink…
I was maliciously complied with by a friend this week.
In the UK, we have a condiment called Marmite, and it’s foul.
The friend in question knows this and agrees with me.
But it didn’t stop them from concocting a little treat for their buddy.
It is possible to make a “drink” by dissolving a teaspoon of this spawn of Beelzebub in boiling water.
I was at this friend’s house, and he offered me a drink.
It was evening, so I asked for a surprise non-caffeinated drink.
Oh, but this friend heard “surprise” and ran with it…
This is my normal drink order, and usually gets me a Lucky Dip herbal tea.
This week, it got me a hot Marmite. Yes, it’s non-caffeinated, and yes, it’s a drink.
Is Reddit on the prankster’s side or the poor friend who drank the awful concoction?
Let’s read the comments below to find out.
First, a Canadian weighed in…
Others just simply wanted to watch the drama.
Then, it was Vegemite vs Marmite…
And others were shocked by the use of the word “foul” by the OP.
This friend better watch their back during their next tea time.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.