Imagine living in an apartment building right next to a laundry room. It might be kind of loud.
Now imagine that one of the machines isn’t working correctly and makes a horribly loud noise. It would be hard to ignore that, especially when you’re trying to sleep!
In today’s story, one inconsiderate tenant uses a loud dryer in the laundry room late at night, and the neighbor next to the laundry room is not about to let him get away with it.
Let’s find out what happens.
Ignore the sign and do your laundry late at night? I don’t think so.
I live on the 1st floor of a 3 story apartment complex where my unit is right next to the shared laundry room.
We’re technically only allowed to use the machines between 8AM and 10PM, but people sometimes do their laundry as late as midnight.
I have no problems with it as I work late and can’t hear the machines when my linen closet and bedroom closet doors are closed.
One of the dryers clearly needs to be repaired.
Recently, one of the dryers have been making a horrendous screeching noise when it’s running.
It’s so loud that I could hear it everywhere in my apartment (the nearby units possibly hear it too).
I had the manager schedule a technician to come by look into it and leave a sign on the machine saying to only use it between 8AM-10PM out of consideration of the neighbors.
My neighbors have been great about it and some even made a point to run the dryer when I’m not home.
Some people don’t do their laundry until they run out of clean clothes.
There’s a guy on the 3rd floor that seems to only do laundry once a month.
He accumulates so much clothes to wash that he uses ALL the washers and dryers on each floor, but takes forever to remove his clothes from the dryer.
He’s been confronted/reported a few times for this and I thought he stopped until the other night.
The guy with all the laundry ignored the sign on the dryer.
It was almost midnight when I got home from work.
I was walking to my unit when I see the guy getting into the elevator.
That’s when I hear the distressing wails of the dryer echoing down the hall.
I went to the laundry room and saw that the dryer was started 3 minute ago… with the big sign saying the hours of operation still posted.
The machine really needed to be turned off.
I wasn’t in the mood to deal with the shrilling noise digging into my brain and ears for the next 57 minutes, so I opened the door to stop the machine. Then closed it so the timer will continue, but the machine won’t run.
I got to sleep in peace and quiet that night.
Before I went to work today, I checked the dryer.
The timer had reached 0 and the clothes were still inside, damp with a bit of a smell to it.
That guy is in for a big surprise!
I closed the door and left for work.
I got to the entrance of the apartment building when I see the guy exit the elevator.
I said nothing to him as I watched him walk towards the laundry room while carrying a basket.
Enjoy spending another $4 washing and drying your clothes.
Maybe the laundry room door needs to be locked at 10pm, or unplug the dryer that makes the loud sound.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.
He really did leave his laundry in the dryer for a LONG time!
This reader knows why the dryer is so loud.
This person has a neighbor who is even more inconsiderate.
Another person can relate to this story and has a suggestion for revenge.
Maybe he’ll think the dryer is broken and stop using it.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.