An Inconsiderate Parking Job Made Getting Into Their Car Impossible, So They Returned The Favor By Sabotaging His Mirrors
by Benjamin Cottrell
Some drivers park like they own the whole lot, leaving others squeezed out of their own spaces.
When one motorist overstepped with a horrible parking job, they unwittingly caught the ire of one driver willing to take their revenge one step further.
Read on for the full story!
Park too close? No side mirror for you
Earlier today, my husband and I went to our local service branch (DMV equivalent) to sort out some car and license things.
They came back to a little surprise in the parking lot.
When we got back, some jerk had parked over the line into our space and SUPER close to our car.
It can’t be overstated just how little space the other driver gave them.
They were so close that I couldn’t get into the passenger side until my husband left the space.
But they weren’t going to take this lying down.
In a moment of “mildly inconvenience me? **** you then,” I closed their passenger-side mirror.
This revenge was so perfectly subtle the driver might not even notice — that is, until it really counts!
I figured that whoever the driver was wouldn’t notice until they were on the road.
Since they didn’t have electric mirrors, they’d have to pull over to open it.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to change lanes.
Sucked in!
That will be a fun little surprise for later!
What did Reddit think?
This revenge was good, but they could have made it even better.
This driver was given no choice but to go lethal.
With the really high-tech cars, you can really give errant parkers a piece of your mind.
Or you can leave a lasting message they won’t get rid of so easily.
They may have parked without a second thought, but they’re in for a world of hurt when they get on the road.
This parker drove away with one folded mirror and one bruised ego!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · annoying people, bad parking, bad parking job, inconvenient, parking, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, rude people, top

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