
Nanny Demands A Night Off For A Date During Couple’s Vacation, But When The Parents Refuse She Threatens To Quit

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Pixabay

Vacations are supposed to be a time to relax, reconnect, and escape the stresses of daily life.

But when someone tries to change the plans, things can get complicated fast.

So, what would you do if the person you hired to help on your trip suddenly wanted to shift the focus on themselves?

Would you compromise and sacrifice your special evening?

Or would you stand your ground and refuse?

In the following story, one couple faces this exact dilemma with their nanny.

Here’s how it all went down.

AITA for not letting our nanny leave for a date during our vacation?

My wife and I had our first child last year, and it’s been quite an intense few months.

My wife has been on an extended ‘maternity leave,’ but on top of that, we’ve also hired a nanny/maid to assist us with the baby as well as keep the house in order.

She stays in our guest house.

To celebrate our anniversary, I planned for us to take a trip by ourselves just to reconnect and give her some proper time away from our son.

She was excited about leaving but was slightly concerned about leaving our son behind (her mother was going to come down and babysit with the nanny).

Trying to ease things, I asked the nanny if she’d be willing to come along with us on our trip and take care of the baby – stressing that this was supposed to be our couple’s vacation, so most of the childcare would be hers and more than usual.

Everything went well until the last night.

She jumped at the idea, so I also arranged her ticket and accommodation (to be clear, she was also paid extra for the ‘overtime’).

The trip was a week long and our arrangement was going quite well at first.

My wife was relaxed, we reconnected, and our son was close by for whenever we missed him.

We would take our son and give her a break either in the mornings or afternoons.

On our last day she asked if we could take the night shift as she’d met someone who’d asked her on a date.

Unfortunately for her, he had already made plans.

Besides going against our arrangement (the point was to give us a break from the sleepless nights), I’d already paid and planned an intimate date on the beach with my wife for our last night.

It became a bit of an issue with her trying to guilt my wife and saying we were being unfair, but by the end of it, we didn’t give in, and she looked after the kid.

Upon returning, my wife heard her on the phone saying that she was thinking of quitting over all of this and that we were blocking her future, so here we are.

My wife thinks we made a mistake, and I don’t disagree that it might’ve been out of line, but ultimately, it was our arrangement, and she was paid extra for it.


It’s easy to see both sides of this, but a deal is a deal.

Let’s check out what advice the readers over at Reddit have to offer them.

Not always. The laws are a bit different, especially considering room and board is part of her pay.

Here’s an excellent point.

This is how a former nanny feels about it.

According to this nanny, the family did nothing wrong.

The trip wasn’t about her.

It sounds like she knew exactly what was expected of her before they left, so trying to change the plans makes her the unreasonable one.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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