They say the best way to settle a neighborly dispute is to remove the root of the problem. And the homeowner in this story did just that.
When this avid gardener grew tired of their neighbor’s constant complaints about the state of their hedge, they made a drastic landscaping decision that their neighbors never saw coming.
Read on for the full story!
Finally Removed Tall Hedge.
We’ve been in our house now a couple of years. We are set back from the main road, with a house in front of us (both bungalows) and a two-story building overlooking both properties.
Then there’s the highlight of the backyard.
We have a large hedge, about 7 feet high and 20 feet long, running down our drive that blocks the two-story building from overlooking our neighbor’s back garden.
The neighbors in the front garden have paved their back garden and have very little maintenance apart from trimming their side of the hedge. They are both retired.
Between the hedge and the rest of the space, it’s a lot of work.
We have quite a large garden, and it’s fairly high maintenance, but I try to keep on top of most jobs.
But nothing is quite good enough for the watchful eye of the neighbors.
The neighbors in front will be out moaning if I don’t keep the top of the hedge neatly trimmed, even though I’ve explained I have the rest of the garden to maintain.
So it was time to take action.
After years of them moaning, I finally took the decision to rip the hedge out and replace it with a 5-foot-high chicken wire fence while they were on holiday.
And boy, was their response entertaining.
I was in the kitchen yesterday with the window open as they got back from holiday and heard them moaning and swearing as they realized what I had done.
Can’t wait to bump into them.
Their hedge, their choice!
What did Reddit have to say?
They’ve got their neighbors right where they want them.
But isn’t this objectively a downgrade for everyone involved?
Maybe these homeowners got a bit too far ahead of themselves.
At any rate, the homeowner’s bold and decisive action should teach their neighbors a valuable lesson about picking their battles.
And above all, being careful what you wish for.
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