Navigating the transition into motherhood can be a delicate balance, especially when others seem to misunderstand the struggles involved.
One woman faced physical pain and an exhausting newborn, but it was her family’s lack of support that truly pushed her to the edge.
Read on for the full story.
AITA for not visiting my family as often as they’d like?
I (28f) had my son (17 months) recently.
My dad (59-60) and sister (30) don’t come by all that often, and I don’t either.
But I have never missed a get-together, event, or birthday.
Unforeseen circumstances have made traveling difficult for her.
We found out a few months ago that, during the end of my pregnancy and recovery from my c-section, I had a fractured pelvis.
This made it hard to sit in a car, let alone drive.
I’m better now, but my car died about a week ago.
But then she started to feel purposely excluded by the rest of her family.
Recently, they visited my grandmother and didn’t tell me, instead choosing to say they didn’t think I could make it because of my son’s nap schedule.
I told them that was my concern and not theirs.
This caused a big argument.
Her dad then started listing out all his grievances.
My dad brought up how they had been patient when I had to leave early to care for my cats.
I had a diabetic cat who sadly passed away this year.
He said they were also patient with me while I was pregnant (I don’t know what he meant), and when I had a newborn and was dealing with nap schedules.
She says that her son requires a lot of her time.
Now, my son was hard as a newborn.
He had infant dyschezia, in which he would suddenly scream at the top of his lungs to poop.
He also started teething at 2 months, and at the same time, we had a soy sauce bottle explode in our kitchen at 2 a.m.
This caused him to no longer sleep well, even to this day.
She thinks all of these factors should earn her a little leeway.
I haven’t visited much due to having been in pain, having a difficult child in car rides, not being able to drive without pain.
But this isn’t the only reason she hasn’t visited much.
And my dad’s dog having snapped at my son.
Neither my sister nor my dad want to take responsibility for the dog and ignore it when it’s mentioned.
I will mention they are both allergic to cats as well, which I understand and respect them coming anyway.
AITA for not going out of my way to visit them?
This sounds like a tough situation.
What did Reddit think?
This commenter is definitely on the new mom’s side.
It’s not fair to expect this new mom to do all the work.
Her dad needs to get his act together and fast.
At the end of the day, it’s not just about nap schedules or recovery times.
It’s about whether or not family is willing to show up when it counts.
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