
New Neighbor Has Been Nothing But Horrible, So She’s Thinking About Building Something On Her Property That Would Block His Water View

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Jornt Hornstra

What happens when one neighbor is nice and the other neighbor is not? Sometimes the nice neighbor gets bulldozed by the mean neighbor.

That’s what’s been happening in today’s story, but the nice neighbor has finally had enough; however, she’s having second thoughts about doing something that wouldn’t be nice.

Let’s see what she wants to do and why she’s not sure if she should do it.

AITA for building on my property and blocking my neighbors water view? Would appreciate some level-headed feedback.

Back story; I have lived here 16 years.

We are on a nice marsh creek.

I used to keep part of the waterfront area wooded but have always intended to build a bulkhead and use it.

I am a single woman and it is expensive, so it has taken some time.

The new neighbors were bad news.

I used to have a trail to run to a friends house back there and had chairs where I enjoyed the view.

Got new neighbors and about 5 years ago they clear cut to my property line and started storing stuff on my property.

I kept asking him to move their stuff off and saying I wanted to use my land but he would ignore me and do whatever he wanted to.

He had a land survey and proceeded to stabilize his waterfront land and part of mine because he thought he could steal it.

She finally couldn’t take it anymore.

His bad behavior kept escalating and I kept trying to just be nice so I wouldn’t have tension.

He got aggressive and sort of threatening and let’s just say I finally popped my top.

Cleared my land, got a survey and my property runs directly behind theirs on the water.

There is more story about a fence but they did finally install one so he isn’t coming on my land in the middle of the night anymore.

She is thinking about building something that would block the neighbor’s view.

The area behind their house is a better view, plus it is my land I paid for.

Both neighbors on either side have built tall viewing towers and I’m interested in doing the same, but it would really block their view.

These people have been absolute horrible to me but will also likely live next door for years to come.

She isn’t sure what to do.

WIBTA for building on my own property if it blocks their view?

I could place it further away from their house to be courteous but not have as good a view, and block mine from my house.

I feel sure they would not have the same courtesy.

Anyway, I’m angry so I thought I would see what people with no attachment to the situation think.

I think she should stop being nice. Nice isn’t working with these neighbors. She should do what she wants on her own property.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

This reader gives some recommendations.

She’s still too nice.

She needs to make sure she has a permit.

She needs to do some research first.

This reader would get petty.

It’s her property, so she should do whatever she wants.

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