
Teen Takes Over Baby Sister’s Care, But Mom Thinks It’s Confusing Her Into Thinking She’s The Mom

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

A teenager as been playing the role of baby-sister-soother since her baby sister started teething, soothing her through the night and helping her nap.

But after a teething remedy TikTok and cuddles turned into a daily routine, the mom isn’t happy with how close the two have become.

Read on for the story.

AITA for confusing my baby sister into believing I’m her mom?

I’m 16F and my dad passed away last year.

Him and my mom had been divorced before that and they used to split custody and she’s been remarried to my stepdad for years.

My baby sister turned 1 a couple of days ago and my mom is 5 months pregnant with a baby boy.

I guess the problem started when my sister started teething?

It was at the beginning of summer break and mom would just let her cry it out in her nursery alone and my sister is LOUD.

Sounds like your baby sister’s got a future in heavy metal vocals.

Not only was it annoying but also kind of sad because she’s just a baby and going through pain alone, so I used to grab her and try to soothe her.

Being held and letting her chew on her fingers helped her some and I saw a TikTok of a teething baby using a cucumber and tried that too and it was like magic.

Anyway, I thought babies just teeth once and I was so wrong, so it became a routine of me taking care of her a lot?

Mom didn’t care as long as she wasn’t crying, and I liked hanging out with her.

It wasn’t 24/7 obviously, I had a part-time job and friends but whenever I came home, she would practically leap out of Mom/Stepdad’s arms wanting to come to me.

I can see where this is going…

She also started fussing a lot whenever my mom would try to put her to sleep, like full-on baby kickboxing but she doesn’t have that problem with me.

She just kind of cuddles up to my chest and drifts off.

Anyway, I thought that was a baby being a baby, but my mom was fuming after my sister’s birthday party.

She wouldn’t let my mom hold her in pictures or for the cake cutting and my grandma made a comment about my sister and I being Siamese twins, but I just took it as we’re close?


My mom was fuming like I said, and she said that I’m confusing my sister into thinking I’m her mom and that I need to take a step back and stop it.

What am I supposed to do just ignore her whenever she cries or whenever she babbles for me?

It’s not like I push my mom out of the way to get to her, it’s just that she’d be napping or in the bathroom or something and I don’t want my sister crying her little lungs out.

When it comes to taking care of a teething baby, it’s tough to resist the urge to step in.

Apparently mom thinks things have gone a bit too far, calling the sibling bond confusing for the little one.

This person thinks Mom probably has a case of the green-eyed monster.

This person says baby sister is just doing what she knows best.

And this person confirms what we all know: she did nothing wrong.

Guess being the ‘cool aunt’ isn’t always what mom had in mind.

This mom doesn’t seem like she can handle another baby.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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