
The Vice Principal Attempted To Suppress Honest Opinions, So The Students Took Advantage Of The Opportunity To Mock Her

Source: Getty/ZoneCreative, Reddit/MaliciousCompliance

School trips promise adventure and unforgettable memories, though the memories aren’t always good ones.

When one thin-skinned vice principal attempted to stifle criticism, it turned into the perfect stage for some unplanned lessons in rebellion.

Read on for the full story!

“If you dont have a good review, dont say anything at all!” Say no more.

This happened years ago when my school took us on a two-day field trip to a hill station close to the city.

All of us on the trip were kids in the 6th to 8th grade. The trip was a blast, and everyone had fun.

But it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

The event occurred just before we were supposed to leave.

Our school had a strange policy where, after every field trip, they would gather all the students in one room and randomly pick a group of students to say a couple of sentences about the venue and their experience.

Five of us were chosen for this time and asked to wait in an adjacent room, coming out one by one.

But of course, the students couldn’t actually share honest feedback.

It was all fine until the first girl went up to the mic and said, “The experience was nice, but I felt that the food that was served was stale. I think a few people got sick.”

It was immediately clear she spoke out of turn.

As soon as she finished speaking, the Vice Principal flew into a rage. She descended on this poor girl, screaming, “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? THESE GUYS HAVE BEEN WORKING SUPER HARD FOR US ALL WEEKEND! IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!”

It turns out, the vice principal was strangely invested in this particular hotel.

Now, her reaction might not make sense, but the hotel where we were staying belonged to some relative of hers. That was probably why we were there in the first place, and she felt defensive about it.

The girl almost started crying as she came back to us.

The VP tried to make this a teaching moment for the rest of the kids.

I was next up, standing and waiting, but the VP went on a long rant about “being well-behaved” and “setting a good example.”

But the food wasn’t the only thing that went wrong on the trip.

At this point, it’s worth mentioning one of the other kids chosen for this pointless exercise. He was an older kid in the 8th grade, and he had an accident on the trip, so his arm was in a sling.

The accident was (I think) partly due to negligence from the hotel staff — I’m blanking on the details right now — but he was fully prepared to talk about it.

So naturally, he wasn’t a fan of the VP’s longwinded spiel.

This tantrum from the VP made him especially angry, especially since the SAME VP had refused to send him home early from the trip because it would “cost too much” (he told us this later).

He grabbed my arm and whispered, “Hey, she said don’t say anything if it’s not good, so don’t say anything!”

So a few students did just that.

I went out, stood there for a few seconds, and said, “I don’t have anything to say,” then came back.

The kids who went after me did the same.

But not the guy in the sling.

Finally, it was this guy’s turn. He went up to the mic, and at this point, the VP was shouting again, “DID YOU DO THIS? DON’T YOU DARE SAY NOTHING!” or something along those lines.

He said, “I loved being here, glad that I was able to be here even after I hurt my arm. I will be really sad now that I have to go back to my parents and an actual doctor.”

You can imagine how the VP reacted.

The Vice Principal lost her mind. Most of the kids were too young to catch the sarcasm, but they definitely started laughing at her.

She threatened to suspend or fine everyone there and delayed the buses back to our town by two hours as “punishment.”

So the parents got called in, but it didn’t quite go how the VP expected.

A few days later, they called my parents in for a disciplinary hearing, and the VP started narrating the story to them.

When she got to the part about the complaint from the first girl, my dad interrupted, “Wait, so the hotel was serving stale food?”

I think the VP got a bit shaken by that because I was asked to go back to class shortly after, and nothing else came of it.

It’s safe to say people this vindictive probably shouldn’t be in positions of power.

What did Reddit think?

This whole situation is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

A firestorm could brew at any second for all this vice principal’s wrongdoings.

This commenter wonders how she even got the job in the first place.

As if she hadn’t already racked up enough wrongdoings, someone should really look into her business dealings.

This vice principal learned a valuable lesson that you can’t silence the truth.

The story of this field trip is bound to echo through the hallways for years to come.

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