Life’s little inconveniences can feel monumental when you’re running on a tight schedule.
When two lingering customers held up the line at a gas station, one inconvenienced observer decided it was time to retaliate with a slow-moving lesson they wouldn’t forget.
Read on for the full story!
Make me wait? Turnabout is fair play
This morning began the same way any Sunday morning begins when I work.
I woke up at 7:20 a.m., showered until 7:28 a.m., and prepared for my day until 7:40 a.m.
I went to the gas station to get some breakfast, arriving at 7:45 a.m. Sometimes there’s a bit of a line, but it’s no big deal. All was going well.
Until time started moving slower and slower.
Then I got to the line with two kids in front of me. The cashier rang up all their things in about 15 seconds or so.
In the process of attempting to think about paying, they answered a phone call, dug through their wallets, put the card in the machine, took the card out of the machine, put the card back in the machine, took the card back out of the machine, and put the card in the machine again.
Finally, they realized it had been working the whole time and slowly punched in their debit PIN — one number per minute.
In the time I waited behind them, planets, stars, perhaps even entire galaxies winked out of existence, never to be seen again.
Finally, after 17 eternities, it was my turn. The grand total of my transaction took about 45 seconds.
So they decided to make these chatty customers pay the price.
What did I do next? I raced out to my car, noticed the two kids in front of me just preparing to back out, got into my car, and backed out right in front of them.
Normally, I’m in a bit of a hurry, but I decided to make a career out of this back-out.
Surely if anyone decides to watch the convenience store security cameras, they will view what can only be described as masterful performance art.
Sadly, there wasn’t an audience, but if there had been, Albert Einstein himself surely would have wept.
The kids definitely took notice.
The two kids, chatty as can be, suddenly stopped their talking and just stared, mouths agape, in ever-increasing annoyance as planets, stars, perhaps even galaxies winked out of existence in the universe above them.
After finally extricating myself from my parking spot, I decided to take a leisurely retirement pace to the road before zooming off to head to my job.
Looking back, this commuter decides they’d be more than willing to do it all again.
I arrived just as the clock turned 8 a.m.
Was it petty? Absolutely. Was it worth my time? Obviously not.
Would I do it again? Ever and always, until the last stars wink out of a dying universe.
Now maybe these chatty customers will know what it feels like to have their time wasted!
Reddit is sure to get a kick out of this one.
This commenter definitely is adding some new terms to their vernacular while waiting in line.
This redditor was taken by a different detail of the story.
The most petty revenge is one they have to wait for!
The ingenuity of this revenge will sadly go over their heads, this redditor suspects.
The morning may have gotten off to a rough start, but things started to look up after a perfectly executed act of parking-lot pettiness.
Who knew that slowing down could be so gratifying?
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.