
Strict Teacher Announced She Will Be Giving A Long Test To Her Class, But Another Teacher Forced Her To Cancel It

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Tests aren’t the most exciting things that students look forward to in class. In fact, many students probably dread tests.

This guy shares a story about a strict but well-respected teacher in high school who wanted to give the students a test simply because she was upset.

Thankfully, another teacher found a loophole in the system and helped the students out.

Read the story below for all the details.

Set a test? We’ll see about that!

Back when I was in highschool, students were divided into classes by major.

Examples: Math + Physics, Biology + Chemistry, Literature and Jewish Studies.

So all the students in one class had the same weekly program.

They have strict rules about tests in this guy’s school.

There was a rule that students could not have more than three tests in one week. This does not include surprise quizzes.

They also could not have two tests in the same day.

In order to ensure this, there were schedules for each class hanging in the teachers’ lounge where teachers had to register the tests they had assigned.

Meet teachers Anna and Daniel…

This routine was fairly new at the time.

One of the teachers, I’ll call her Anna, was old and very respected in the school. She was kind of a “foundation stone.”

Another teacher, I’ll call him Daniel, was young, fun-loving and prone to rock the system.

Both, by the way, were brilliant teachers.

Anna got angry at the class and decided to have a long test.

This happened in a class where Daniel was the homeroom teacher.

Both he and Anna taught their subjects.

One day, Anna was angry at the class and set a test covering a huge amount of material.

The students protested, but she stood firm.

But the test wasn’t logged on the schedule.

They approached Daniel to ask him to intervene with her.

He tried to talk to her, but she refused to budge.

So, knowing her, he went to look at the schedule in the teacher’s lounge and sure enough, she had neglected to list her test on the schedule.

And Daniel made sure that she wouldn’t be able to give a test anytime soon.

She felt she was above such pettifogging rules!

Since he had a lesson with the class on the same day, he scheduled a test, in writing on the board.

As a result, she couldn’t give her test.

She was furious, and ranted all over the teachers’ lounge.

Anna didn’t talk to Daniel after that.

He could be just as stubborn as she.

Her test was canceled.

And she didn’t speak to him for years.

I like how this school had a system to prevent students from having multiple tests in the same day.

Let’s find out what others have to say about this on Reddit.

This user shares an honest opinion.

This person comments on the class pairing.

And another question about majors in high school.

And lastly, a short but honest remark about the teacher.

Sometimes older teachers aren’t the smartest.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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