
Wife Gets Hooked On Roblox And Forgets To Pick Up Son From Basketball Practice, And It Leads To A Heated Argument With Her Husband

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Oberon Copeland

Neglecting your responsibilities for a hobby is one thing, but neglecting your child is a whole other story.

So, what would you do if your partner became so obsessed with a game that they started missing important commitments? Would you brush it off as a harmless distraction? Or would you draw the line when it starts affecting your family?

In today’s story, one husband finds himself in this very frustrating situation with his wife. Here’s what happened.

AITA for telling my wife to stop playing Roblox and do her duties as a parent?

My (37F) wife and I (36M) have always tried to keep the housework pretty evenly split between us. I, for example, mow the lawn, and do laundry and dishes, and she meal plans, cooks, and picks up/drops off the kids.

Lately, this has all changed because she has become addicted to a game called ‘Dress to Impress’ on Roblox. If you aren’t familiar, it’s a game where you have to dress your character in a themed outfit before the time runs out, and the other players rate it from 1 to 5 stars.

It started off harmless, just a fun thing she would do during downtime before bed, but recently, she has missed crucial appointments and chores because of this game. I tried to be understanding and gently remind her to do her tasks, but she would always say she “forgot” or “got distracted.”

The wife made a huge mistake because of the game.

The big argument happened last night when she forgot to pick up our 9-year-old son from basketball practice, which ended at 6:00 pm. I hadn’t gotten home yet as I had to work late, and our son didn’t have a phone, so I had no way of knowing the situation.

I eventually got home around 7:00 and realized he was not in his room. I looked around further and saw that he was nowhere to be found.

I walked into our bedroom, confused, to ask my wife where he was and found her on her iPad playing the game as always. When I asked her where our son was, her eyes grew wide, and I knew what happened without her having to say.

I immediately got back into my car and went to pick him up. Luckily, his coach had stayed after to make sure he was picked up safely, and I apologized profusely. Apparently, he had been calling and texting my wife, who was the emergency contact, and she didn’t even notice.

Frustrated, he yelled at her.

When we got home, I immediately blew up at her. How could she be so addicted to a kids’ game that she completely forgot our son?

Now, she’s telling me it was a one-time thing and that I’m wrong for getting angry.

I don’t know what to think, I do kind of understand her side of the story as it has only happened one time, but she has to be a responsible parent. She can’t just completely forget about our child who has no way to get home on his own!


Yikes! That’s a pretty serious mistake.

Let’s take a look at what the folks over at Reddit have to say about her gaming habit.

These are great thoughts.

Yes, they are very lucky.

Here are thoughts from a gamer mom.

As this person points out, hopefully, it was a wake-up call for her.

His wife needs to step up her game.

It’s fine to be addicted to a game, but when it starts interfering with your parental duties, it does become a problem.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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