
Woman Complains About Unkempt Lot, Only To Be Met With Developers Ripping Everything Out Clean

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/Pexels/Paul Theodor Oja

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/Pexels/Paul Theodor Oja

Sometimes, the funniest situations are when complaints are taken literally.

I’m sure this older woman didn’t think she would end up with a bare lot next door after crabbing that it needed to be better kept.

Read how one worker handles a grouchy neighbor’s request on a vacant lot.

I’m a man of action, lady.

This one was from about six-and-a-half years ago, roughly.

Our office manager at our surveying office would, every so often, purchase a piece of land and make a subdivision off of it to make extra money.

There was one property he bought, and he had to hurriedly send us out to it to mark his property lines since the next day a guy was coming to completely clear and de-stump about the roughly 7-acre lot.

And that’s when they met the neighbor…

While marking one line, this lady comes out and proceeds to curse us out and ask us what we were doing.

My field crew chief at the time decided to take the “F you, mind your own business!” route.

I thought better of it and decided not to be so brash about things.

This worker decided to play smarter, not harder.

Now, I knew what was getting ready to happen on the property we were marking, but best business practices are to know as little as possible about what is happening.

I told her that someone had just purchased the lot and wanted to see where his lines were.

She had been mowing some over the property line, and she proceeded to tell me that she had broken four mowers trying to keep that lot cut back so she had more open space around the house, and she was sick and tired of no one maintaining the lot.

So this worker made her a promise.

Equipped with the knowledge of what was coming the next day, I told her “Well ma’am, I’m a man of action, and I’m going to personally find the guy who has bought his property.

I’m going to put my finger in his face, and tell him he had better mow his property as soon as possible or he’s going to be dealing with me about it.

Fast-forward to the next morning.

This huge, tank-like machine went out and, by the end of the day, there wasn’t so much as a stump or tall weed left.

[It was] clean as a pin, down to the dirt.

Yep, they kept their promise, alright…

The next day, we had to come out and do a topo on the land for the engineer.

I couldn’t resist going and knocking on that lady’s door.

She answered, and I said, “Ma’am, I told you I would take care of it. Anything else you need?”

But this wasn’t quite what the neighbor had anticipated.

She said “I just wanted them to mow.”

On the positive side, we were out there probably another 15-20 times doing the subdivision layout.

She always threatened to shove a wooden stake up my crew chief’s ***; but she told me she liked me, and I was welcome on her property anytime.

Did this worker serve up some good malicious compliance?

Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

One Redditor alluded to more than just being neighborly.

Another reader was confused about how this was “malicious compliance.”

A user echoed that love may be in the air…

And finally, one Redditor congratulated the worker on their conduct.

This worker may have won over more than he bargained for with this neighbor.

At least he had a good time.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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