Invisible disabilities are often seen as easier than visible ones, but that’s often not the case and they come with other baggage.
Unfortunately, some people assume fraud when someone has an invisible disability and harass the person when they use a disability parking space or store scooter.
This person had to deal with a situation like this but found a great way to handle it.
I hope she enjoys the eggs
I have a non-visible disability that sometimes acts up.
Today I went to a grocery store, parked in a handicapped spot (I have the plates), and grabbed a scooter.
It went downhill from there.
When I got out of the car a lady started yelling insults at me for using a spot I’m not entitled to. And got worse when she saw me take a scooter.
Going through the store she kept coming near me and making nasty remarks.
The entire time, I ignored her.
Finally, I get to the egg section. I needed several dozen, and the 18 counts are on sale. So I am going through them to make sure the packages don’t have broken eggs.
Since I was blocking access to the door, I helped out others with getting their eggs and making sure they didn’t have any that were broken.
Then the harasser asked for what happened next.
The packages with broken eggs were stacked up on an empty shelf.
She comes up and says “Are there 18 in there” as if she never heard of checking the eggs for damage; and demanded I get her two packages.
So I just grabbed two packages off the top of the discard pile, and gave them to her.
And she put them in her cart and went away.
That’s crazy to not check the eggs, but that’s also great revenge!
Here is what folks are saying on Reddit.
That’s one way to handle it!
Great idea.
Same. Why are they like this?!
The Scrambler. It sounds like a wrestler name.
Good advice. They need to be held accountable.
As long as someone has the disability placard, mind your own business.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.