Gaming systems can be expensive, but if you spend a lot of time using them, it’s probably well worth the cost.
What if you could pool your money with a friend or significant other to buy a gaming system?
Sounds like a great way to save money and get the gaming system you want faster, right?
That’s what the boyfriend in today’s story thought, but his girlfriend had another idea.
Let’s see how the story plays out.
AITA for buying a ps5 without my boyfriend and saying it’s mine?
My boyfriend (26 m) and I (26 f) have been together for about 8 months.
We live together but have split financials.
I worked hard and went to college, which is why I have a well-paid job.
When I met my boyfriend he didn’t have a serious job, but he worked hard so we could live together and he now has a job with a decent income.
He makes less than me and the rent etc. are divided pro rata.
I paid for the first month of our rent (alone) and for our holidays and he still has to pay me back, but there’s no rush as I don’t need the money right away.
Her boyfriend wants a ps5.
We really love gaming together.
He plays on his ps4 and I play on my Nintendo switch.
He mentioned he would like to buy a ps5 together so we can ditch the switch, because it’s lagging a lot.
We did not talk about who would play on the ps4 and who would play on the ps5, but the costs would be split in half.
She wants a ps5 too.
I also said I would love to have a ps5, since I play on the switch and it sucks.
My boyfriend does not have enough money and still had to pay me back for the vacation, so we dropped the subject.
But since we’ve been gaming a lot, my switch is starting to annoy me.
The console is slow and it does not have enough capacity to load my games.
She bought a ps5.
That’s why I decided to buy a ps5.
I have more than enough savings to do so.
I texted my boyfriend I wanted to buy a ps5 later that day and I did.
Her boyfriend is mad that the ps5 is hers and not theirs.
Now my boyfriend’s mad cause he wanted to buy a ps5 together.
It would take several months before he would have enough savings, which is why I bought it myself.
He also asked if the ps5 belonged to the both of us or just me.
I responded that the ps5 is mine until he pays half of it, but he can always play on it if I’m not home.
He got upset by this and said he was disappointed.
So, AITA for buying a ps5 without my boyfriend and saying it’s mine?
I probably would’ve done the same thing.
When the boyfriend saves up to pay her half, then they can share. Sounds fair.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
This reader thinks they’ll eventually break up.
Her boyfriend would’ve kept the ps5 for himself.
This person thinks the boyfriend is bad news.
They should’ve waited to move in together.
The boyfriend might be planning on a break up.
She should kick the boyfriend out.
And she should definitely keep the PS5 for herself.
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